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Difficulty in understanding the visualization script
I am having trouble understanding the visualisation code.
Could anyone please explain what exactly is going on here in simple terms?
plan_traj = np.concatenate((
plan_traj[:, [0]],
plan_traj[:, [1]],
-1.0*np.ones((plan_traj.shape[0], 1)),
np.ones((plan_traj.shape[0], 1)),
), axis=1)
# add the start point in lcf
plan_traj = np.concatenate((np.zeros((1, plan_traj.shape[1])), plan_traj), axis=0)
# plan_traj[0, :2] = 2*plan_traj[1, :2] - plan_traj[2, :2]
plan_traj[0, 0] = 0.3
plan_traj[0, 2] = -1.0
plan_traj[0, 3] = 1.0
l2e_r = lidar_cs_record['rotation']
l2e_t = lidar_cs_record['translation']
e2g_r = lidar_pose_record['rotation']
e2g_t = lidar_pose_record['translation']
l2e_r_mat = Quaternion(l2e_r).rotation_matrix
e2g_r_mat = Quaternion(e2g_r).rotation_matrix
s2l_r, s2l_t = obtain_sensor2top(nusc, sample_data_token, l2e_t, l2e_r_mat, e2g_t, e2g_r_mat, cam)
# obtain lidar to image transformation matrix
lidar2cam_r = np.linalg.inv(s2l_r)
lidar2cam_t = s2l_t @ lidar2cam_r.T
lidar2cam_rt = np.eye(4)
lidar2cam_rt[:3, :3] = lidar2cam_r.T
lidar2cam_rt[3, :3] = -lidar2cam_t
viewpad = np.eye(4)
viewpad[:camera_intrinsic.shape[0], :camera_intrinsic.shape[1]] = camera_intrinsic
lidar2img_rt = (viewpad @ lidar2cam_rt.T)
plan_traj = lidar2img_rt @ plan_traj.T
plan_traj = plan_traj[0:2, ...] / np.maximum(
plan_traj[2:3, ...], np.ones_like(plan_traj[2:3, ...]) * 1e-5)
plan_traj = plan_traj.T
plan_traj = np.stack((plan_traj[:-1], plan_traj[1:]), axis=1)