xmorse icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
xmorse copied to clipboard

:sun_with_face: ~1.5Kb morse code library for all. 一个支持 Unicode 中文摩斯密码编码的 Javascript 库。


Xmorse is a pure javascript(~1.5kb) library for encoding / decoding morse code messages, unicode supported.

中文说明文档 | Online DEMO 地址

Build Status Coverage Status npm npm npm

1. Install

npm install xmorse

Or download dist/xmorse.min.js source file。

2. Import It

  • Script tag.
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/xmorse.min.js"></script>
  • ES6 style.
import { decode, encode } from 'xmorse';

3. Usage & API

There is only 2 API named encode, decode. For encode(msg, [option]), example:

import { decode, encode } from 'xmorse';
// standart morse
encode('Hello, Xmorse!');
// unicode
encode('コンニチハ, セカイ!');

// option
const option = {
  space: ' ',
  long: '-',
  short: '*'
encode('越过长城,走向世界', option);

For decode(morse, [option]), example:

import { decode, encode } from 'xmorse';

// option
const option = {
  space: ' ',
  long: '-',
  short: '*'
decode('*-** --- ***- *', option);

4. Test

$npm install

$npm test

