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YY's Page
YY哥's Pages
Web pages please visit
- Collective communication in MPI
- QoS in RoCE
- Queue Pair in RDMA
- The introduction to OVS architecture
- OVS flow table implementation in datapath
- OVN load balancer practice
- An introduction to OVN architecture
- OVN gateway practice
- OVN-kubernetes practice
- Checksum in Linux Kernel
- Container Network Interface
- Dive into Calico - IP Interconnect Fabrics
- Getting started with Calico
- Linux Soft-RoCE implementation
- Multiple queue and RSS in DPDK
- Network related posts
- RDMA Programming - Base on linux-rdma
- Setup BGP Route Reflector for Calico node
- TCP SYN cookies make window size suddenly becomes smaller
- Understanding the RoCE network protocol
- Getting started containerd
- Run OCI image with runc
- Setup Bare Metal Load Balancers for kubernetes service
- The new stored format of Docker image on disk and Distribution
- The right way to run systemd in a non-privileged container
- Dive into the defect of Etcd-Index and Raft-Index in etcd
- Getting started with gRPC
- Raft consensus algorithm(go-raft) implementation in etcd
- Watch API and TTL implementation in etcd
GPU计算 -- GPU体系结构及CUDA编程模
- "从veth看虚拟网络设备的qdisc"
- Docker解析:Docker拉取镜像(docker pull)的实现
- Docker解析:数据卷(Data Volume)的实现
- Docker自定义网络——MacVLAN
- Docker内部存储结构(devicemapper)解析
- Docker内部存储结构(devicemapper)解析(续)
- Docker内部存储结构(devicemapper)解析(下篇)
- Docker解析:配置与权限管理
- Kubernetes解析:Minion的添加与删除
- Kubernetes解析:services
- Buffer IO的throttle问题
- Build gateway for LVS-TUN base on IPIP tunnel
- CA and docker
- Can't run iotop in container
- CentOS6.5下VLAN设备的性能问题
- Ceph - pool has too few pgs
- Ceph osd weight与osd crush weight之间的区别
- Ceph practice:RBD snapshot
- Ceph practice:rados object tool
- Ceph性能调优——Journal与tcmalloc
- Ceph源码解析:网络模块
- Cgroup V2 and writeback support
- Cgroup namespace
- Cgroup分析——基本介绍
- DNS in docker and kubernetes
- Debug with log in Ceph
- Deep dive into Linux network namespace
- Deploy Kubernetes with ansible
- Difference of VXLAN L3MISS between flannel and docker overlay implementation
- Dive deep into inotify and overlayfs
- Dive deep into inotify and overlayfs
- Docker native overlay network practice
- Docker storage driver history and overlayfs
- Docker与Ceph的结合:让Docker容器跑在网络存储之上
- EXT4/EXT3文件系统目录的一点区别
- Equal Cost Multipath(ECMP) practice base on Quagga
- GPG常用操作
- Getting into the Linux ELF and core dump file
- Getting started with D-BUS
- Getting started with Kprobe
- Getting started with Openshift
- Hugepage导致进程占用物理内存过多的问题
- IPIP tunnel, GRE tunnel and LVS IP tunnel
- Inside the interrupt
- Introduction to the UIO
- Introduction to the perf-tools
- LVS practice
- Linux BPF introduction
- Linux NAT internal
- Linux Namespace分析——mnt namespace的实现与应用
- Linux XDP introduction
- Linux swap and docker
- Linux vlan and macvlan implementation
- Linux中进程内存与cgroup内存的统计
- Mount namespace and mount propagation
- Network rate limiting with TC
- Overlay network base on GRE/VXLAN with Openvswitch
- Overlayfs - delete file failed because project id in XFS
- PID namespace与Docker容器init进程
- Packet fragmentation and segmentation offload in UDP and VXLAN
- RBD image internal in Ceph
- Run Ceph radosgw with civetweb
- Socket activation in systemd
- The reason cause SRIOV VF not be freed from netnamespace
- The reason of Intel X540 SR-IOV initialize failed
- Two aways to set mac address of SR-IOV VF
- Unix domain socket的实现及分片
- XFS性能问题原因再分析
- cgroup memory usage statistic
- cgroup pgpgin与系统的pgpgin的区别
- docker and terminal
- flannel and kubernetes services network implementation
- flannel host-gw network
- fork systemcall hanged cause by gprof
- ipvlan practice and implementation
- openstack nova practice
- partprobe and partx
- perf-trace and perf-probe and uprobe
- sendmsg return EINVAL caused by ARP table full
- sgdisk常用操作
- tcp_tw_recycle和tcp_timestamp的问题
- update ansible on ubuntu 14.04
- xfs quota usage
- 在CentOS6.5使用setns系统调用
- 在XFS上运行MySQL的一个坑
- 浅析Linux的共享内存与tmpfs文件系统
- 理解iostats
- 容器内存用完导致容器卡死的问题
- openstack neutron DVR internal with floating IP
- openstack neutron DVR internal
- openstack neutron classic ovs practice
- openstack neutron dvr practice
- "Go语言学习:Channel"
- "Go语言学习:http编程"
- "Go语言学习:接口"
- "Go语言学习:数组(array)与切片(slice)"
- "Go语言学习:类型方法"
- Dive into channel in go
- Dive into closure in go
- Dive into goroutine in Go
- Dive into memory GC in Go
- Dive into memory management in Go
- Dive into memory structure of data type in go
- Dive into stack and defer/panic/recover in go
- Getting started with Delve
- Go语言学习:new与make
- Manual memory management in Go
- Mutex in Go
- Rate limit examples in Go
- The Go netpoller and timeout
- Timeout in Go net/http client