vimrc copied to clipboard
A vim configuration (supports Termux)
Deprecated. Moved to
this is an vim config specified for Linux and Termux (an terminal simulator on Android and iOS) to use it, follow the instructions below
external dependency
package | depends on |
vim-devicons | nerd-font in system font path |
vim-fugitive | git |
vim-merginal | git |
tagbar | ctags |
vim-autoctag | ctags |
DoxygenToolKit | doxygen |
ctrlsf | ack/silver |
vim-autoformat | any formatter (astyle clang-format ... ) |
tagbar-markdown | php |
vimtex | texlive; vim built with +clientserver |
tagbar-markdown | php |
vim-livedown | livedown (node pack, npm install -g livedown) |
- put all directories into your .vim dir
- put vimrc in your home dir
- rename it to .vimrc
- run
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
- run
vim +PlugInstall
use fonts for powerline in terminal vim to display airline arrows correctly
the installation of powerline/fonts might be very slow
frequently-used key mappings
plugin | key | mapping |
Global | ; | <Leader> |
Nerdtree | C-n | NerdTreeTabsToggle |
Vim-indent-guides | C-\ | IndentGuidesToggle |
Tagbar | C-t | TagBarToggle |
Syntastic | C-c | SyntasticReset |
YouCompleteMe | S-j,C-j,Down | NextCompletion |
S-k,C-k,Up | PreviousCompletion | |
C-Space | OmniCompletion | |
<Leader>ji | GotoInclude | |
<Leader>jd | GotoDefinition | |
<Leader>jD | GotoDeclaration | |
UltiSnip | Tab | UltiSnipTrigger |
AutoPair | C-w | AutoPairsFastWarp |
DoxygenToolkit | S-m | GenerateDox |
Agit | C-g | ShowAgit |
VimShell | C-s | ShowVimShell |
EasyMotion | <Leader> | EasyMotionLeader(ELeader) |
<ELeader>s | searchOneLetter | |
<ELeader>S | searchMoreLetters | |
<ELeader>j | searchUp | |
<ELeader>k | searchDown | |
AnyFold(vim buildin) | zm,zM | foldMore, foldMax |
zr,zR | reduceFold, unfoldAll | |
zc,zC | closeFold, closeFoldRecurse | |
zo,zO | openFold, openFoldRecurse | |
RainbowParentheses | F9 | LoadRainbowParentheses |
F10 | ToggleRainbowParentheses | |
Quickr-preveiew | <Leader>space | QuickfixPreview |
UndoTree | <Leader>u | ToggleUndoTree |
CtrlSF | <Leader>/ | CtrlSFPrompt |
vimtex | C-q | QueryPackageDocument |
Buildin | F1 | PasteToggle |
F2 | NewTab | |
F3 | CloseCurrentTab | |
F4 | MakeCurrentWindowATab | |
C-f | OpenFileFinder | |
S-l | NextTab | |
S-h | PreviousTab | |
C-l | MoveTabRight | |
C-h | MoveTabLeft | |
<Leader>C-] | CtagJumpAndOpenInNewWindow | |
z/ | ToggleAutoHighlight | |
C-q | QueryInZeal(zeal required) | |
frequently used commands
plugin | command | decription |
vim-plug | :PlugUpdate | Update Plugins |
:PlugClean | Clean Unused Plugins | |
:PlugInstall | Install Plugins | |
:PlugUpgrade | Upgrade Vim-plug Itself | |
ConqueGdb | :Gdb | Start ConqueGdb |
Syntastic | :SyntasticCheck | Start SyntasticCheck |
:SyntasticToggle | Toggle SyntasticCheck | |
:SyntasticToggle | Toggle SyntasticCheck | |
YouCompleteMe | :YcmDebugInfo | When Ycm Has Some Problems |
LivedownPreview | :MarkdownPreview | view markdown in browser |
vim-autoformat | :Autoformat | auto-formatting the code |
per-project config
- put a
in the project root directory and use:Autoformat
command to format the code - put
in the project root directory and add compiler flags to it so syntastic can use custom flag to compile the file. see vimrc file and:h syntastic-checkers
for details.
YCM config
either-> create your own and put it in ~/.vim/custom
or-----> use the in this repo insted (do not have to change anything)
in the ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe dir, run
python --help
for help (usually if you only want C-family complete, runpython --clang-completer
; and in Termux, runpython --clang-completer --system-libclang
) -
once YCM functions normally, it's better to froze it from updating(add 'frozen' to ycm config in .vimrc). Updating YCM is somehow possible to cause a staring failure (fixable, though).
known issues:
- if Ycm didn't function normally, run :YcmDebugInfo and see corresponding file for debug info.
- if Ycm suffers an shutdown, please recompile the ycm core.
- sometimes use system libclang fix the problem (and it's essential for Temux users)
- if libtinfo missing, install it (from AUR for archlinux users), link it to a correct filename according to the debug info, and recompile ycm core
- if libtinfo is still missing after the yaourt installation, install ncurses5-compat-libs from AUR