Alex Grabowski
Alex Grabowski
Hello, Thanks for great FF plugin. When you navigate to and select any download option, cliget will fail to recognize it.
Hello, thanks for writing and maintaining s6 suite of tools. I had quite a head-scratcher recently, because it was hard to deduce why `s6-tcpclient` failed with error: ``` s6-tcpclient: fatal:...
I've searched for a task that is marked as "good first issue" and can be done purely in Prolog, and I think [issue 977]( was the only one, but it...
In order to maintain compatibility with SICStus which was [discovered]( while trying to run original []( implementation, it looks like `meta_predicate` directive should be extended to accept predicate indicator sequence...
This query unexpectedly produces multiple answers: ```prolog ?- setof(X, phrase((...,seq(X)),"abc"), Xs). Xs = [[]] ; Xs = ["abc"] ; Xs = ["bc"] ; Xs = ["c"]. ``` But the next...
PR for fixing #2454 issue. Please review unit test that I've added, does it correctly describe the problem at hand? And does it make sense to add such a long...
Scryer is missing `imported_from` key which is needed to maintain compatibility with [SICStus Prolog]( which recently became apparent in #2433 and was first requested in #977. Unfortunately I can't assess...
I've coded all arithmetic functions explicitly in [#2602]( ```prolog arithmetic_term(func, 0, [e,pi,epsilon]). arithmetic_term(func, 1, [+,-,\,sqrt,exp,log,sin,cos,tan,asin,acos,atan,sign,abs,round,ceiling,floor,truncate,float,float_integer_part,float_fractional_part]). arithmetic_term(func, 2, [+,-,/,*,**,^,/\,\/,xor,div,//,rdiv,,mod,rem,max,min,gcd,atan2]). arithmetic_term(rela, 2, [is,>,=,=`, `
After recent discussion #2599, I've decided to start collecting useful warnings that can be applied during compilation. If you have good ideas for warnings, please post them here. Relevant issues:...
use_module/1 doesn't respect changes in current working directory if executed as initialization goal
As in title. I found it when I tried to use modules from a different folder for #2435. Contents of `~/.scryerrc`: ```prolog :- use_module(library(iso_ext)). :- use_module(library(files)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(os))....