markdown-toc copied to clipboard
"depthFrom" setting ignored for section numbering (since v2.1.0?)
Section 3.2 of the says "Tips:Section of header is begin with depthFrom", and the image shows header numbers being generated starting at the second level. That is, with depthFrom:2
and given the input:
# Title
## Section
### Subsection
I would expect output:
# Title
## 1. Section
### 1.1 Subsection
It appears things worked this way in version 2.0.0, but as far as I can tell stopped working in 2.1.0. Given the same input as above, the output in all newer versions is:
# 1. Title
## 1.1 Section
### 1.1.1 Subsection
I will comeback to this on this holiday
This is an annoying regression. Look forward to a fix.
Is it possible to install a previous version?
Adding numbers seems to be broken in the current release. I've tried "insert/update sections" in addition to generating the TOC. I'm not getting any section numbers. From is 1 and To is 6.
I have solved this issue. because usually only one header at level 1. so I changed the code to force the order action start from level 2 or deeper level.
I forked 3.0.3 and push this repos. but it seems not takes effect.
I'm a beginner of Git, please contact me at if needed.
@livepdm Thank you for your work 😄 . You edited a number of files. I need to test them carefully before merge to master branch. Currently, I busy with my studies. I will come back to this when I have spare time.