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About ea bans - please read and share us - I think I know why you got ban!
I want to figure out how EA detect us and ban us, it will help me and everyone here to be more clever.
I am using FIFA-Ultimate-Team-Toolkit (using c#, not javascript) more than 4 months , and got several bans, and some users didn't get any ban (read later to know how I didn't get ban even it's run for several weeks),.
I'm only using it for me and my friends, not to sell coins, it's only to buy players and play with them.
I not doing any RPM test, I'm only make the all system sleep for at least 3-6 seconds ( random time) after each request to EA, I limit the number of selling and buying/biding in each hour to not getting automatics blocks. I use many randoms waits of several seconds before each request to EA, and also doing some minutes of system sleep after about one hour of using.
how do you think EA detect us? please tell me In my experience I got ban only when I did less than one second waiting between searching and buying/biding! (now I dot it of several seconds like after any request)
In the past I did less than one second waiting between the search and buying/biding the card that I bought from that search (to do snipping) and that users got ban after several days!
now I do exactly the same method and I just added a waiting time of more than 3 seconds between the search and the buying/biding of a card from that search and I didn't get any ban, and it's work for several weeks very well
For all the people who got ban, what was your waiting time between the search and buying/biding? do you think this is the reason that you got a ban?
I think the main reason for ban is the repeatable and fast quest.. I mean, even in PS4, if I repeat and be fast making the same thing, I'll get a ban. For exemple, I've got a temp ban, for make human snipping in PS4. I'm so bad in English, so sorry for any error.
phpBiggs, in this topic, I'm not talking about temporary ban, temporary ban is totally automatic and happen if you do too many search or buying , selling in same minutes/hours.
the solution is to limit the search, sell and bid of each minute, for example no more than 3 bids in a minute etc..
But in this topic I'm not talking about temporary ban of search, bid and selling , I'm talking about permanently ban from Ea game. for example last year I didn't use autobuyer, only use the webapp and the application and doing auto macro (moving the mouse) to sell me cards, I got a lot!! temporary ban from selling, I even got more than 4 millions coins and I didn't got any permanent ban.
temporary ban is only to limit us from buying and selling a lot , it's will not lead to any permanently ban!
i got ban today as well...
#dolnma what did you do ?
What was the delay between search and buy ?
everything was on default (10 sec) and i set up stop after 6 hours.
I think you sould do random time and not certian time of delay
wait, you mean temporary ban or permanent ban?
i got email from EA about banning my account.
I dont underatand what did you do
I didnt any ban from two of my accounts
I think you sould do random time and not certian time of delay
ah. I just using this autobuyer for 3 weeks and from today i got probably permanent ban (im not actually on my desktop). Can you tell me, how can i make second account?
rendom is useless . i just search and buy by my hand once. 5h later, banned.