log4Esp copied to clipboard
Incorrect "frameworks" value is specified in library.json which prevent to compile in platformio
version of library 1.0.2 which was supposed to fix this issue is still contains "frameworks": "ESP8266" which does not allow to use it with platformio. If to change value to "arduino" to be "frameworks": "arduino", it fixes the issue and I'm able to compile again. Please note - here is file .library.json is present as well which contain correct value pair but is it ignored by platformio plugin in vsCode.
Also there is convention to have name of library and master header to have the same name - including case (i.e log2Esp is not equal to Log2Esp), so it would be good to have update which would provide such convention conformance, in other case there are issues with finding this header by IDE.
Cheers and thanks for this great library :)
Still actual and confusing, however code in git is fine, platformio cached old version
I can confirm that this issue still exists, even though this git repository's library.json
is correct. Actually there is a workaround by adding the library as a URL pointing to the GitHub repository
lib_deps =
See: https://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/librarymanager/quickstart.html#project-dependencies