generator-rails-react-webpack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
generator-rails-react-webpack copied to clipboard

Integrate Ruby on Rails with React.js and Webpack


Yeoman generator


Related project - Consider using koa-react-isomorphic

Consider to see koa-react-isomorphic project for testing component and Redux usage

Getting Started

To install generator-rails-react-webpack from npm, run:

$ npm install -g generator-rails-react-webpack

Up and Running

Create Ruby on Rails project with normal rails command, but skip gem bundling:

$ rails new app-name --skip-bundle

Then, initiate the generator:

$ cd app-name
$ yo rails-react-webpack

Answer 'Yes' to all 'Overwrite' actions. Then, update 'config/database.yml' if you use different database than 'sqlite3'.

Application template

Javascript modules

All javascript modules are placed in app/frontend/javascripts folder, which will be compiled into app/assets/javascript/build folder. In addition, app/assets/javascript/build is appended to .gitignore (Webpack built bundles will be ignored and rebuilt every deployment).

Control your application assets via webpack or sprockets. However, for javascript files, prefer webpack over sprockets for the reason that those will run through loaders before getting serve at the browser.


Manage built tools and application dependencies


  • config.json: loads additional configurations into javascript-build.js via config = require('./config.json');

        "webpack": {
          "path": "./app/frontend/javascripts/",
          "test": "./__tests__/**/*-test.js",
          "build": "./app/assets/javascripts/build"

Code splitting

Refer to webpack code spliting for detail implementations. Bundles are created by require or require.ensure will be automatically loaded. Additionally, all the settings in devlopment.config.js and production.config.js for optimizing common chunk have been added to config files.

  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin('common', 'common.js'), // development.config.js
  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin('common', 'common-[chunkhash].bundle.js'), // production.config.js

Uncomment those and add this tag <%= webpack_bundle_tag 'common.js' %> before your main bundle in your layout:

<%= webpack_bundle_tag 'common.js' %>
<%= webpack_bundle_tag 'main.js' %>

Available gulp task

$ gulp clean # remove the build folder placed at 'app/assets/javascripts/build'
$ gulp build # should use this for testing only, please read Assets compile

Start developing

Run these commands, and start coding

$ npm run dev
$ rails server

Assets compile

$ rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

Heroku deploy

Configure Heroku to use ddollar's multi-buildpack:

$ heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=

Add the heroku-nodejs buildpack and heroku-ruby buildpack to .buildpacks:

$ cat .buildpacks


Name: mongoid (for mongodb)

add --skip-active-record option to your rails new app --skip-active-record command before selecting this option.


Enable flowtype in development

$ npm run flow:watch
$ npm run flow:stop # to terminate the server


Test files are placed in the same folder with component.

▾ home/
npm test # unit test
npm run test:converage # generate test coverage using istanbul

You need to add annotation to the file to enable flowtype (// @flow)


  |- app/
  |  |- apis/
  |  |  |- v1/
  |  |  |  |- base.rb
  |  |  |  |- person_api.rb
  |  |  |- base.rb
  |  |- assets/
  |  |  |- images/
  |  |  |- javascripts/
  |  |  |  |- build/
  |  |  |  |  |- page-module.bundle.js
  |  |  |  |- application.js
  |  |  |- stylesheets/
  |  |  |  |- application.css
  |  |- frontend/
  |  |  |- javascripts/
  |  |  |  |- <page-module-dependencies>/
  |  |  |  |- <page-module>.js
  |  |- controllers/
  |  |- helpers/
  |  |- mailers/
  |  |- models/
  |  |- views/
  |  |  |- application/
  |  |  |  |- index.html # default template for the application
  |  |  |- layouts/
  |  |  |  |- application.html.erb
  |- bin/
  |- config/
  |  |- initializers/
  |  |  |- *.rb
  |  |  |- webpack.rb # webpack manifest config
  |  |- webpack/
  |  |  |- config.json
  |  |  |- default.config.js
  |  |  |- development.config.js
  |  |  |- javascript-build.js
  |  |  |- production.config.js
  |- db/
  |- lib/
  |  |- assets/
  |  |- tasks/
  |  |  |- webpack.rake # built task
  |- log/
  |- public/
  |- test/
  |- gulpfile.js
  |- package.json
  |- Gemfile
  |- Gemfile.lock
  |- Rakefile
  |- README.rdoc


0.3 -> 0.4: Add babel-plugin-typecheck, fixed redundant event listeners from dev-server and only-dev-server, and update code to es6


Thanks Dave Clark for this wonderful post

Example project

Running example

alt text


All contributions are welcomed.


MIT License