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AMM Arbitrage - Could not find the exchange rate using rate_oracle_enabled FALSE
Describe the bug Failed to start Uniswap Optimism strategy with rate_oracle_enabled False. OETH rates are not able at any available reliable rate oracle source (coingecko with extra-tokens are immediately exceed rate limits)
Steps To Reproduce
- Clone and install latest development Client + gateway
- connect uniswap optimism
- Create/start amm_arb startegy using uniswap optimism
Actual: Bot flooded with couldn't find exchange rate for OETH-USDC
Expected: User able to use uniswap_ethereum_optimism
Release version dev-1.18.0 /staging
When using uniswap-goerli
got this error too when using fix rates on amm-arbitrage.
ValueError: Could not find the exchange rate for ETH-USDC using the rate source fixed rates (please verify it has been correctly configured)
2023-07-25 20:51:37,001 - 18045 - hummingbot.core.utils.async_utils - ERROR - Unhandled error in background task: Could not find the exchange rate for ETH-USDC using the rate source fixed rates (please verify it has been correctly configured)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/rapcmia/github/hummingbot/dev/hummingbot/core/utils/", line 9, in safe_wrapper
return await c
File "/home/rapcmia/github/hummingbot/dev/hummingbot/strategy/amm_arb/", line 221, in main
profitable_arb_proposals: List[ArbProposal] = [
File "/home/rapcmia/github/hummingbot/dev/hummingbot/strategy/amm_arb/", line 223, in <listcomp>
if t.profit_pct(
File "/home/rapcmia/github/hummingbot/dev/hummingbot/strategy/amm_arb/", line 130, in profit_pct
sell_fee_amount: Decimal = sell_trade_fee.fee_amount_in_token(
File "/home/rapcmia/github/hummingbot/dev/hummingbot/core/data_type/", line 226, in fee_amount_in_token
conversion_rate: Decimal = self._get_exchange_rate(conversion_pair, exchange, rate_source)
File "/home/rapcmia/github/hummingbot/dev/hummingbot/core/data_type/", line 193, in _get_exchange_rate
raise ValueError(f"Could not find the exchange rate for {trading_pair} using the rate source "
ValueError: Could not find the exchange rate for ETH-USDC using the rate source fixed rates (please verify it has been correctly configured)
Steps to reproduce:
- Setup AMM-ARb with
rate_oracle_enabled FALSE
- Use Uniswap-Goerli and use
- Observe after starting the strategy
Did you ever figure this out?
I was searching for the option to disable rate oracle since I was getting spammed by rate oracle errors as well, but I couldn't find any documentation.
Check here: no mention of rate_oracle_enabled
Also, CLI does not hint at this option.
Meanwhile, I am suspicious of spam error messages that max out CPU utilization. I am experimenting with eliminating spam to check if it solves CPU issues.