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Improve bot status card in Instances
- The card display of a bot in Instances needs UX improvement
- It should take advantage of the new Strategy Performance page
Use the following design for the status card: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFw6UIRFHM/gZLmjCbkoDipiSzlBA8gTQ/edit?utm_content=DAFw6UIRFHM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
Data displayed:
- Strategy name
- Status (stopped, active: duration run)
- Volume traded (in Quote)
- P&L
- Info about last trade
Clicking the Performance button in the card should open up Strategy Performance page, with the bot's SQLite database pre-loaded in the dropdown
User should be able to see performance for pairs / exchange
Please include a pair balance. The most common problem is running out of balance.
Off topic : Not sure if its possible but can a low balance error be pushed to Telegram?