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Hummingbird running inside an AWS Lambda

Hummingbird Lambda

Run Hummingbird inside an AWS Lambda


Create struct conforming to LambdaFunction. Setup your application in the init function: add your middleware, add route handlers etc

struct MyHandler: LambdaFunction {
    // define input and output
    typealias Event = APIGatewayRequest
    typealias Output = APIGatewayResponse
    typealias Context = BasicLambdaRequestContext<APIGatewayRequest>
    init(_ app: Application) {
        app.router.get("hello") { _, _ in
            return "Hello"

The Event and Output types define your input and output objects. If you are using an APIGateway REST interface to invoke your Lambda then set these to APIGatewayRequest and APIGatewayResponse respectively. If you are using an APIGateway HTML interface then set these to APIGatewayV2Request and APIGatewayV2Response. If you are using any other Event/Output types you will need to implement the request(context:application:from:) and output(from:) methods yourself.