calendar copied to clipboard
CalDav Integration
Allow for a way to integrate both personal and space calendar with CalDav to connect calendars to apps like OwnCloud.
+1 We need this to our organization
We can also need this.
+1 Would be a nice feature!
+1, need this as well.
+1 this would be a great feature
+1, need this to actually use this webapp
I would need this funtionality too, to integrate the just existing user calendar into humhub
This would be awesome!
I sponsor a litte bounty for that task:
Anyone else?
If I understood most of the comments correctly, then you wish a caldav client for humhub? (e.g my personal calender is connected within a calendar from another source). Is this correct?
Yes I'd like to have caldav connectivity to my humhub calendars for mobile and desktop client sync.
No, I want to access the humhub calendar via caldav to integrate/access the calendar with my existing mobile and desktop client.
Hi For personal calender indeed could be useful to integrate an existing calendar via caldav. Means in this case the calendar is a caldav client. For space calendars it could be more usefull if is a caldav server and outside clients can connect to it.
Why: I think is not useful to run multiple personal calendars, tehrefore it would be great to integrate the existing personal calendar in humhub. But space calendars have a project specific matter, poeple should can access to the calendar via caldav if the need to do so...
+1 The calendar module "Must" act as a caldav server. Users want to check their aqnd create appointments via their smartphone.
As no humhub App exists, the caldav functionality is even more needed.
Hi guys,
as the first request for this feature is nearly 4 years old and I'm sure it isn't done with a few rows of code, it would be helpful if everybody commits a little bounty for a developer who might want to do this job.
Here is the link to Bountysource once again:
CalDav-Integration would be very useful. I would like to use my Calendar-Apps (CalDav-Clients) on my Mobiles to sync my dates.
Maybe intetegrate into humhub?
Caldav +1
Would be very nice to see this implemented. @luke- is there anything that the community can do to help boost and assist with this feature request, aside from the obvious: A PR implementing CalDav ;)
@dvn0 Unfortunately not much. We have the feature request on the radar, but also a long wish list :-)