Sebastian Humenda
Sebastian Humenda
XML allows the inclusion of external documents. This is used e.g. in eng-pol. Teiaddphonetics should support these include directives.
The API schema should be extended to support full semantic versioning. ATM it fails on "1.8.1-fd0.2.1".
A TEI element like this: ```xml my trans ``` Leads to: ``` 1. my trans ``` This should be fixed.
For mass-importing dictionaries, it would be helpful to provide a mechanism to do quality assurance over a whole set of dictionaries. There should be two flavours: one should just check...
Sometimes bugs in the tooling require a re-compilation of all dictionaries and also require a new release, even though the source didn't change. Since we use semantic versioning, we could...
Anki is a program to help memorising translations using flash cards. These could be auto-generated from FD dictionaries. The project is at There are free and open versions both...
The `make qa` command should be extended (by another script) to check for incorrectly formatted translations as ", trans" or similar. These can occur when auto-importing a dictionary. Possible checks...
Depending on the output format, generating raw HTML may be inappropriate. This is relevant for using GladTeX as a Pandoc filter, where raw HTML prevents Pandoc from learning about additional...
The current Windows executable creation script is broken. It relies on a working WINE installation and py2exe. It needs to be evaluated whether this is still useful.
Alternate texts of formulas are read by people not able to see the rendered images. There are many reasons: no images enabled, bandwidth restrictions or a visual impairment. In either...