Sebastian Humenda
Sebastian Humenda
>It might be worth writing a benchmark (maybe Sorry, I am lacking time for this. It is deemed to be faster since seeking in a file is a system call...
>Could you please publish it to if you accept #18 and #19? @humenda Sure.
>```xml > > > ... > ... > >``` > >This approach raises a few potential questions but is very simple, and easily translatable into TEI Lex0, which it might...
> and wrapping the `` into its own `` would help a lot (probably an `@n` attribute on ` would help as well, because that takes precedence over just counting...
> I can see now that it does make sense for the stylesheets to handle such structures better. It would be great to have your solution documented in the HOWTO...
>I've been trying to make an EPub of an E-book I'm writing using Pandoc >Markdown and GladTeX seems to have solved most of my issues. That sounds good :). >```...
Sorry about the delay. I've implemented the first bit. There's now a `--epub` option that will round units to integers as it seems to be required for EPUB. Can you...
>About the other issue: technically epub should be something akin to a "glorified archive" so maybe we can try "injecting" the resource reference file inside the Epub file. Yes, it...
I've researched the issue regarding the missing resource from the EPUB. This is now reported in #19. I'll fix it in the next weeks. The rounding issue should be fixed...
Pardon, I would need the actual code, as I cannot see images. Please paste your examples here.