homeassistant-roborock copied to clipboard
Roborock S6 MaxV stopped reporting if the mop is attached or not
Version of the custom_component
What vacuum are you using?
Roborock S6 MaxV
Describe the bug
There is no way to tell if the mop is attached anymore, there used to be a binary sensor, it disappeared. Nether waterBoxCarriageStatus nor mopForbiddenEnable change when the mop is attached or dettached.
Debug log
2023-10-02 17:43:03.777 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock] Integration async setup entry: {'entry_id': '3cd0620653a1571b594eef0f996e1c66', 'version': 1, 'domain': 'roborock', 'title': '[email protected]', 'data': {'home_data': {'id': 2800309, 'name': 'My Home', 'products': [{'id': '7ggJhlYqQs58zKFAOgBPc1', 'name': 'Roborock S6 MaxV', 'model': 'roborock.vacuum.a10', 'capability': 2, 'category': 'robot.vacuum.cleaner', 'schema': [{'id': '101', 'name': 'rpc_request', 'code': 'rpc_request', 'mode': 'rw', 'type': 'RAW'}, {'id': '102', 'name': 'rpc_response', 'code': 'rpc_response', 'mode': 'rw', 'type': 'RAW'}, {'id': '120', 'name': '错误代码', 'code': 'error_code', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'ENUM'}, {'id': '121', 'name': '设备状态', 'code': 'state', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'ENUM'}, {'id': '122', 'name': '设备电量', 'code': 'battery', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'ENUM'}, {'id': '123', 'name': '清扫模式', 'code': 'fan_power', 'mode': 'rw', 'type': 'ENUM'}, {'id': '124', 'name': '拖地模式', 'code': 'water_box_mode', 'mode': 'rw', 'type': 'ENUM'}, {'id': '125', 'name': '主刷寿命', 'code': 'main_brush_life', 'mode': 'rw', 'type': 'VALUE'}, {'id': '126', 'name': '边刷寿命', 'code': 'side_brush_life', 'mode': 'rw', 'type': 'VALUE'}, {'id': '127', 'name': '滤网寿命', 'code': 'filter_life', 'mode': 'rw', 'type': 'VALUE'}, {'id': '128', 'name': '额外状态', 'code': 'additional_props', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'RAW'}, {'id': '130', 'name': '完成事件', 'code': 'task_complete', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'RAW'}, {'id': '131', 'name': '电量不足任务取消', 'code': 'task_cancel_low_power', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'RAW'}, {'id': '132', 'name': '运动中任务取消', 'code': 'task_cancel_in_motion', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'RAW'}, {'id': '133', 'name': '充电状态', 'code': 'charge_status', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'RAW'}, {'id': '134', 'name': '烘干状态', 'code': 'drying_status', 'mode': 'ro', 'type': 'RAW'}]}], 'devices': [{'duid': '2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', 'name': 'Roborock S6 MaxV', 'localKey': 'rzJQueMtDdhxr7BJ', 'fv': '02.62.46', 'activeTime': 1674222812, 'timeZoneId': 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'iconUrl': '', 'productId': '7ggJhlYqQs58zKFAOgBPc1', 'share': False, 'online': True, 'pv': '1.0', 'tuyaMigrated': False, 'extra': '{"xxxx": "xxxx", "RRPhotoPrivacyVersion": "1", "RRMonitorPrivacyVersion": "1"}', 'sn': 'R0410S04902149', 'featureSet': '10738169343', 'deviceStatus': {'120': 0, '121': 8, '122': 100, '123': 102, '124': 207, '125': 4, '126': 60, '127': 10}, 'silentOtaSwitch': False}], 'receivedDevices': [], 'rooms': [{'id': 10632727, 'name': "Eva's room"}, {'id': 10632726, 'name': 'Toilet'}, {'id': 10632724, 'name': 'Bedroom bathroom'}, {'id': 10632720, 'name': 'Bedroom'}, {'id': 10632718, 'name': 'Guest room bathroom'}, {'id': 9465269, 'name': 'Living room'}, {'id': 9144463, 'name': 'Office'}, {'id': 6591321, 'name': 'Pets'}, {'id': 6591291, 'name': 'Hallway'}, {'id': 6591284, 'name': 'Hall'}, {'id': 6591277, 'name': 'Livingroom'}, {'id': 6591269, 'name': 'Kitchen'}, {'id': 6591262, 'name': 'Master bedroom closet'}, {'id': 6591260, 'name': 'Master bedroom'}, {'id': 6591231, 'name': 'Guest room'}]}, 'username': '[email protected]', 'user_data': {'tuyaname': '5a36b32caa77e80f7548cff3cc3fbd7e', 'tuyapwd': '1e214aef8c3858e718b6771e19d7a454', 'uid': 2789565, 'tokentype': '', 'token': '4ed114f3efb54cceb705233b26b9fd61-zZVTxszXnU118/Y4diB/Rg==', 'rruid': 'rr60227305b39840', 'region': 'eu', 'countrycode': '972', 'country': 'IL', 'nickname': 'Sdo6273972', 'rriot': {'u': '1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve', 's': '1lfF0I', 'h': 'w5OK2yvyHJ', 'k': 'U0WUNvnV', 'r': {'r': 'EU', 'a': 'https://api-eu.roborock.com', 'm': 'ssl://mqtt-eu-3.roborock.com:8883', 'l': 'https://wood-eu.roborock.com'}}, 'tuyaDeviceState': 2, 'avatarurl': 'https://files.roborock.com/iottest/default_avatar.png'}, 'base_url': 'https://euiot.roborock.com'}, 'options': {'vacuum': {'include_shared': True}, 'camera': {'map_transformation': {'scale': 1.0, 'rotate': 0, 'trim': {'left': 0.0, 'right': 0.0, 'top': 0.0, 'bottom': 0.0}, 'include_nogo': True, 'include_ignored_obstacles': True}}}, 'pref_disable_new_entities': False, 'pref_disable_polling': False, 'source': 'user', 'unique_id': '[email protected]', 'disabled_by': None}
2023-10-02 17:43:03.982 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock] Requesting home data
2023-10-02 17:43:05.469 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock] Got home data HomeData(id=2800309, name='My Home', lon=None, lat=None, geo_name=None, products=[HomeDataProduct(id='7ggJhlYqQs58zKFAOgBPc1', name='Roborock S6 MaxV', code=None, model='roborock.vacuum.a10', iconurl=None, attribute=None, capability=2, category='robot.vacuum.cleaner', schema=[HomeDataProductSchema(id='101', name='rpc_request', code='rpc_request', mode='rw', type='RAW', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='102', name='rpc_response', code='rpc_response', mode='rw', type='RAW', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='120', name='错误代码', code='error_code', mode='ro', type='ENUM', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='121', name='设备状态', code='state', mode='ro', type='ENUM', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='122', name='设备电量', code='battery', mode='ro', type='ENUM', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='123', name='清扫模式', code='fan_power', mode='rw', type='ENUM', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='124', name='拖地模式', code='water_box_mode', mode='rw', type='ENUM', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='125', name='主刷寿命', code='main_brush_life', mode='rw', type='VALUE', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='126', name='边刷寿命', code='side_brush_life', mode='rw', type='VALUE', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='127', name='滤网寿命', code='filter_life', mode='rw', type='VALUE', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='128', name='额外状态', code='additional_props', mode='ro', type='RAW', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='130', name='完成事件', code='task_complete', mode='ro', type='RAW', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='131', name='电量不足任务取消', code='task_cancel_low_power', mode='ro', type='RAW', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='132', name='运动中任务取消', code='task_cancel_in_motion', mode='ro', type='RAW', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='133', name='充电状态', code='charge_status', mode='ro', type='RAW', product_property=None, desc=None), HomeDataProductSchema(id='134', name='烘干状态', code='drying_status', mode='ro', type='RAW', product_property=None, desc=None)])], devices=[HomeDataDevice(duid='2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', name='Roborock S6 MaxV', local_key='rzJQueMtDdhxr7BJ', fv='02.62.46', attribute=None, active_time=1674222812, runtime_env=None, time_zone_id='Asia/Jerusalem', icon_url='', product_id='7ggJhlYqQs58zKFAOgBPc1', lon=None, lat=None, share=False, share_time=None, online=True, pv='1.0', room_id=None, tuya_uuid=None, tuya_migrated=False, extra='{"xxxx": "xxxx", "RRPhotoPrivacyVersion": "1", "RRMonitorPrivacyVersion": "1"}', sn='R0410S04902149', feature_set='10738169343', new_feature_set=None, device_status={'120': 0, '121': 8, '122': 96, '123': 103, '124': 207, '125': 79, '126': 16, '127': 58}, silent_ota_switch=False)], received_devices=[], rooms=[HomeDataRoom(id=10632727, name="Eva's room"), HomeDataRoom(id=10632726, name='Toilet'), HomeDataRoom(id=10632724, name='Bedroom bathroom'), HomeDataRoom(id=10632720, name='Bedroom'), HomeDataRoom(id=10632718, name='Guest room bathroom'), HomeDataRoom(id=9465269, name='Living room'), HomeDataRoom(id=9144463, name='Office'), HomeDataRoom(id=6591321, name='Pets'), HomeDataRoom(id=6591291, name='Hallway'), HomeDataRoom(id=6591284, name='Hall'), HomeDataRoom(id=6591277, name='Livingroom'), HomeDataRoom(id=6591269, name='Kitchen'), HomeDataRoom(id=6591262, name='Master bedroom closet'), HomeDataRoom(id=6591260, name='Master bedroom'), HomeDataRoom(id=6591231, name='Guest room')])
2023-10-02 17:43:09.424 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.protocol] Received broadcast: BroadcastMessage(duid='2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', ip='')
2023-10-02 17:43:14.422 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.protocol] Received broadcast: BroadcastMessage(duid='2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', ip='')
2023-10-02 17:43:15.494 INFO (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Connecting to
2023-10-02 17:43:15.495 INFO (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Connecting to mqtt
2023-10-02 17:43:15.782 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending CONNECT (u1, p1, wr0, wq0, wf0, c1, k60) client_id=4l9n729k4CCqlYa2vyPGDr properties=None
2023-10-02 17:43:15.782 INFO (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Starting mqtt loop
2023-10-02 17:43:15.787 INFO (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Connected to
2023-10-02 17:43:15.788 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=20177 Requesting method get_room_mapping with []
2023-10-02 17:43:15.788 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=26636 Requesting method get_clean_summary with []
2023-10-02 17:43:15.799 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=20177 Response from method get_room_mapping: [[16, '10632724'], [17, '10632720'], [18, '6591269'], [19, '10632726'], [20, '9465269'], [21, '10632718'], [22, '6591291'], [23, '6591231'], [24, '10632727'], [25, '9144463']]
2023-10-02 17:43:15.803 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=17540 Requesting method get_multi_maps_list with []
2023-10-02 17:43:15.853 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received CONNACK (0, Success) properties=[TopicAliasMaximum : 0, MaximumQoS : 1, RetainAvailable : 0, MaximumPacketSize : 65536, WildcardSubscriptionAvailable : 1, SubscriptionIdentifierAvailable : 1, SharedSubscriptionAvailable : 1]
2023-10-02 17:43:15.853 INFO (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Connected to mqtt mqtt-eu-3.roborock.com:8883
2023-10-02 17:43:15.854 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending SUBSCRIBE (d0, m1) [(b'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', {QoS=0, noLocal=False, retainAsPublished=False, retainHandling=0})]
2023-10-02 17:43:15.854 INFO (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Subscribed to topic rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA
2023-10-02 17:43:15.855 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=31213 Requesting method get_status with []
2023-10-02 17:43:15.855 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m2), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (199 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:15.855 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=27017 Requesting method get_consumable with []
2023-10-02 17:43:15.855 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m3), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:15.858 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=26636 Response from method get_clean_summary: [1354924, 20173820000, 1373, [1696246512, 1696246202, 1696231802, 1696219202, 1696176002, 1696148036, 1696145402, 1696132802, 1696076192, 1696073402, 1696059002, 1696046403, 1696003201, 1695987001, 1695972602, 1695960002, 1695916802, 1695900602, 1695888814, 1695873602]]
2023-10-02 17:43:15.858 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=17540 Response from method get_multi_maps_list: {'max_multi_map': 1, 'max_bak_map': 0, 'multi_map_count': 1, 'map_info': [{'mapFlag': 1, 'add_time': 1687525123, 'length': 9, 'name': '1st Floor', 'bak_maps': []}]}
2023-10-02 17:43:15.923 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received SUBACK
2023-10-02 17:43:16.176 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (247 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.177 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (647 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.178 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=27017 Response from get_consumable: {'main_brush_work_time': 228107, 'side_brush_work_time': 607470, 'filter_work_time': 228107, 'filter_element_work_time': 424373, 'sensor_dirty_time': 25488}
2023-10-02 17:43:16.178 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=31213 Response from get_status: {'msg_ver': 2, 'msg_seq': 260, 'state': 8, 'battery': 96, 'clean_time': 4292, 'clean_area': 68312500, 'error_code': 0, 'map_present': 1, 'in_cleaning': 0, 'in_returning': 0, 'in_fresh_state': 1, 'lab_status': 1, 'water_box_status': 1, 'fan_power': 103, 'dnd_enabled': 0, 'map_status': 7, 'is_locating': 0, 'lock_status': 0, 'water_box_mode': 207, 'distance_off': 60, 'water_box_carriage_status': 1, 'mop_forbidden_enable': 1, 'camera_status': 3495, 'is_exploring': 0, 'home_sec_status': 0, 'home_sec_enable_password': 0, 'adbumper_status': [0, 0, 0]}
2023-10-02 17:43:16.180 WARNING (MainThread) [roborock.code_mappings] Missing RoborockMopIntensityS7 code: 207 - defaulting to 200
2023-10-02 17:43:16.185 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=23347 Requesting method get_clean_record with [1696246512]
2023-10-02 17:43:16.194 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=23347 Response from method get_clean_record: [1696246512, 1696250804, 4292, 68312500, 0, 1, 2, 3, 57]
2023-10-02 17:43:16.194 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.coordinator] Finished fetching roborock data in 0.701 seconds (success: True)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.212 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.sensor] It seems the roborock.vacuum.a10 does not support the last_clean_start as the initial value is None
2023-10-02 17:43:16.212 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.sensor] It seems the roborock.vacuum.a10 does not support the last_clean_end as the initial value is None
2023-10-02 17:43:16.212 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.sensor] It seems the roborock.vacuum.a10 does not support the last_clean_duration as the initial value is None
2023-10-02 17:43:16.212 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.sensor] It seems the roborock.vacuum.a10 does not support the last_clean_area as the initial value is None
2023-10-02 17:43:16.216 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=23099 Requesting method get_child_lock_status with []
2023-10-02 17:43:16.216 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m4), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.216 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=20904 Requesting method get_flow_led_status with []
2023-10-02 17:43:16.216 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m5), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.218 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=19829 Requesting method get_dnd_timer with []
2023-10-02 17:43:16.218 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m6), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.219 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=19098 Requesting method get_valley_electricity_timer with []
2023-10-02 17:43:16.219 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m7), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (231 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.221 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.camera] Retrieving map from Roborock MQTT
2023-10-02 17:43:16.221 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=15069 Requesting method get_map_v1 with []
2023-10-02 17:43:16.221 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m8), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (199 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.469 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.471 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.472 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=16437 Requesting method get_valley_electricity_timer with []
2023-10-02 17:43:16.472 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m9), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (231 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.472 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=23099 Response from get_child_lock_status: {'lock_status': 0}
2023-10-02 17:43:16.473 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.473 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (183 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.474 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=19829 Response from get_dnd_timer: {'start_hour': 22, 'start_minute': 0, 'end_hour': 10, 'end_minute': 0, 'enabled': 1}
2023-10-02 17:43:16.475 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.switch] Not adding entity because of None
2023-10-02 17:43:16.475 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.switch] Not adding entity because of None
2023-10-02 17:43:16.631 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.632 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.633 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=20913 Requesting method get_valley_electricity_timer with []
2023-10-02 17:43:16.633 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m10), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (231 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.906 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.907 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.time] Not adding entity because of None
2023-10-02 17:43:16.907 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.time] Not adding entity because of None
2023-10-02 17:43:16.974 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (23495 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:43:16.976 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=15069 Response from get_map_v1: 282426 bytes
2023-10-02 17:43:16.981 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.common.map_data_parser] UNKNOWN BLOCK TYPE: 21, header length 12, data length 0
2023-10-02 17:43:17.133 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.camera] Map data retrieved
2023-10-02 17:43:17.133 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.camera] Map is ok
2023-10-02 17:43:23.941 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.camera] Failed to retrieve model
2023-10-02 17:43:29.052 WARNING (SyncWorker_0) [custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.camera] Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device
2023-10-02 17:43:46.391 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=15318 Requesting method get_room_mapping with []
2023-10-02 17:43:46.392 WARNING (MainThread) [roborock.code_mappings] Missing RoborockMopIntensityS7 code: 207 - defaulting to 200
2023-10-02 17:43:46.394 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=27060 Requesting method get_clean_summary with []
2023-10-02 17:43:46.504 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=15318 Response from method get_room_mapping: [[16, '10632724'], [17, '10632720'], [18, '6591269'], [19, '10632726'], [20, '9465269'], [21, '10632718'], [22, '6591291'], [23, '6591231'], [24, '10632727'], [25, '9144463']]
2023-10-02 17:43:46.544 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=27060 Response from method get_clean_summary: [1354924, 20173820000, 1373, [1696246512, 1696246202, 1696231802, 1696219202, 1696176002, 1696148036, 1696145402, 1696132802, 1696076192, 1696073402, 1696059002, 1696046403, 1696003201, 1695987001, 1695972602, 1695960002, 1695916802, 1695900602, 1695888814, 1695873602]]
2023-10-02 17:43:46.545 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=20172 Requesting method get_clean_record with [1696246512]
2023-10-02 17:43:46.595 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=20172 Response from method get_clean_record: [1696246512, 1696250804, 4292, 68312500, 0, 1, 2, 3, 57]
2023-10-02 17:43:46.595 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.coordinator] Finished fetching roborock data in 0.204 seconds (success: True)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.164 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PINGREQ
2023-10-02 17:44:16.379 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PINGRESP
2023-10-02 17:44:16.447 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=18162 Requesting method get_consumable with []
2023-10-02 17:44:16.447 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m11), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.447 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=28748 Requesting method get_status with []
2023-10-02 17:44:16.447 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m12), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (199 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.455 WARNING (MainThread) [roborock.code_mappings] Missing RoborockMopIntensityS7 code: 207 - defaulting to 200
2023-10-02 17:44:16.457 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=27906 Requesting method get_clean_summary with []
2023-10-02 17:44:16.474 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=27214 Requesting method get_child_lock_status with []
2023-10-02 17:44:16.474 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m13), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.476 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=20753 Requesting method get_flow_led_status with []
2023-10-02 17:44:16.476 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m14), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.476 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=29995 Requesting method get_dnd_timer with []
2023-10-02 17:44:16.477 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m15), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.508 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=27906 Response from method get_clean_summary: [1354924, 20173820000, 1373, [1696246512, 1696246202, 1696231802, 1696219202, 1696176002, 1696148036, 1696145402, 1696132802, 1696076192, 1696073402, 1696059002, 1696046403, 1696003201, 1695987001, 1695972602, 1695960002, 1695916802, 1695900602, 1695888814, 1695873602]]
2023-10-02 17:44:16.508 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=12858 Requesting method get_clean_record with [1696246512]
2023-10-02 17:44:16.567 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=12858 Response from method get_clean_record: [1696246512, 1696250804, 4292, 68312500, 0, 1, 2, 3, 57]
2023-10-02 17:44:16.568 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.coordinator] Finished fetching roborock data in 0.117 seconds (success: True)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.691 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (247 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.693 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=18162 Response from get_consumable: {'main_brush_work_time': 228107, 'side_brush_work_time': 607470, 'filter_work_time': 228107, 'filter_element_work_time': 424373, 'sensor_dirty_time': 25488}
2023-10-02 17:44:16.745 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (183 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.745 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=29995 Response from get_dnd_timer: {'start_hour': 22, 'start_minute': 0, 'end_hour': 10, 'end_minute': 0, 'enabled': 1}
2023-10-02 17:44:16.746 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.747 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=27214 Response from get_child_lock_status: {'lock_status': 0}
2023-10-02 17:44:16.747 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.765 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (647 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:16.766 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=28748 Response from get_status: {'msg_ver': 2, 'msg_seq': 261, 'state': 8, 'battery': 96, 'clean_time': 4292, 'clean_area': 68312500, 'error_code': 0, 'map_present': 1, 'in_cleaning': 0, 'in_returning': 0, 'in_fresh_state': 1, 'lab_status': 1, 'water_box_status': 1, 'fan_power': 103, 'dnd_enabled': 0, 'map_status': 7, 'is_locating': 0, 'lock_status': 0, 'water_box_mode': 207, 'distance_off': 60, 'water_box_carriage_status': 1, 'mop_forbidden_enable': 1, 'camera_status': 3495, 'is_exploring': 0, 'home_sec_status': 0, 'home_sec_enable_password': 0, 'adbumper_status': [0, 0, 0]}
2023-10-02 17:44:16.907 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=23657 Requesting method get_valley_electricity_timer with []
2023-10-02 17:44:16.907 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m16), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (231 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:17.167 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:44:28.099 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.camera] Failed to retrieve model
2023-10-02 17:44:35.211 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of camera.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor is taking over 10 seconds
2023-10-02 17:44:46.391 WARNING (MainThread) [roborock.code_mappings] Missing RoborockMopIntensityS7 code: 207 - defaulting to 200
2023-10-02 17:44:46.392 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=12453 Requesting method get_clean_summary with []
2023-10-02 17:44:46.512 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=12453 Response from method get_clean_summary: [1354924, 20173820000, 1373, [1696246512, 1696246202, 1696231802, 1696219202, 1696176002, 1696148036, 1696145402, 1696132802, 1696076192, 1696073402, 1696059002, 1696046403, 1696003201, 1695987001, 1695972602, 1695960002, 1695916802, 1695900602, 1695888814, 1695873602]]
2023-10-02 17:44:46.513 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=21698 Requesting method get_clean_record with [1696246512]
2023-10-02 17:44:46.563 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=21698 Response from method get_clean_record: [1696246512, 1696250804, 4292, 68312500, 0, 1, 2, 3, 57]
2023-10-02 17:44:46.563 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.coordinator] Finished fetching roborock data in 0.173 seconds (success: True)
2023-10-02 17:45:05.210 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.camera] Updating xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor camera took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:40
2023-10-02 17:45:16.238 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PINGREQ
2023-10-02 17:45:16.305 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PINGRESP
2023-10-02 17:45:16.391 WARNING (MainThread) [roborock.code_mappings] Missing RoborockMopIntensityS7 code: 207 - defaulting to 200
2023-10-02 17:45:16.392 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=10066 Requesting method get_clean_summary with []
2023-10-02 17:45:16.621 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=10066 Response from method get_clean_summary: [1354924, 20173820000, 1373, [1696246512, 1696246202, 1696231802, 1696219202, 1696176002, 1696148036, 1696145402, 1696132802, 1696076192, 1696073402, 1696059002, 1696046403, 1696003201, 1695987001, 1695972602, 1695960002, 1695916802, 1695900602, 1695888814, 1695873602]]
2023-10-02 17:45:16.621 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=14161 Requesting method get_clean_record with [1696246512]
2023-10-02 17:45:16.656 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.local_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=14161 Response from method get_clean_record: [1696246512, 1696250804, 4292, 68312500, 0, 1, 2, 3, 57]
2023-10-02 17:45:16.656 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.roborock.coordinator] Finished fetching roborock data in 0.266 seconds (success: True)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.694 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=25900 Requesting method get_consumable with []
2023-10-02 17:45:16.695 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m17), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.746 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=29667 Requesting method get_dnd_timer with []
2023-10-02 17:45:16.746 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m18), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.747 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=23633 Requesting method get_child_lock_status with []
2023-10-02 17:45:16.747 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m19), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.748 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=31017 Requesting method get_flow_led_status with []
2023-10-02 17:45:16.748 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m20), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (215 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.768 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=26358 Requesting method get_status with []
2023-10-02 17:45:16.768 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m21), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (199 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.940 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (247 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.941 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=25900 Response from get_consumable: {'main_brush_work_time': 228107, 'side_brush_work_time': 607470, 'filter_work_time': 228107, 'filter_element_work_time': 424373, 'sensor_dirty_time': 25488}
2023-10-02 17:45:16.945 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (183 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.946 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=29667 Response from get_dnd_timer: {'start_hour': 22, 'start_minute': 0, 'end_hour': 10, 'end_minute': 0, 'enabled': 1}
2023-10-02 17:45:16.946 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.947 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:16.948 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=23633 Response from get_child_lock_status: {'lock_status': 0}
2023-10-02 17:45:17.009 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (647 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:17.010 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=26358 Response from get_status: {'msg_ver': 2, 'msg_seq': 262, 'state': 8, 'battery': 96, 'clean_time': 4292, 'clean_area': 68312500, 'error_code': 0, 'map_present': 1, 'in_cleaning': 0, 'in_returning': 0, 'in_fresh_state': 1, 'lab_status': 1, 'water_box_status': 1, 'fan_power': 103, 'dnd_enabled': 0, 'map_status': 7, 'is_locating': 0, 'lock_status': 0, 'water_box_mode': 207, 'distance_off': 60, 'water_box_carriage_status': 1, 'mop_forbidden_enable': 1, 'camera_status': 3495, 'is_exploring': 0, 'home_sec_status': 0, 'home_sec_enable_password': 0, 'adbumper_status': [0, 0, 0]}
2023-10-02 17:45:17.169 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] id=23825 Requesting method get_valley_electricity_timer with []
2023-10-02 17:45:17.169 DEBUG (MainThread) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m22), 'b'rr/m/i/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA'', properties=None, ... (231 bytes)
2023-10-02 17:45:17.421 DEBUG (Thread-10 (_thread_main)) [roborock.cloud_api] [Roborock S6 MaxV] Received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0), 'rr/m/o/1a8R9Nt0GeKs8ZbXqkbBve/f9f72063/2oIIBzA5kLVHQtcxcOcbDA', properties=[], ... (103 bytes)
Same problem with the S5 Max. In the past I had a working automation with a reminder to remove the mop bracket and damp mop cloth when mopping was complete.
S5 Max attributes: