led copied to clipboard
led - line-oriented text editor
What is this?
led is a line-oriented text editor in command line. This editor is similar to the standard program on unix systems - GNU ed. But i'm not going to make an exact clone of that program, it's just a pet project.
Now the program can:
- save text to it's buffer
- write or append text to file
- show the contents of the buffer
- insert or delete text in buffer
- set own prompt in editor
Example of usage
How to launch
This program work only on linux(ubuntu).
Required tools: gcc, cmake, make, shell(bash).
To compile and install program type this:
$ ./build.sh
Or use cmake directly:
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ # or if you want release version, change option to -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE
$ make
$ sudo make install
Enter the -h option to check all program options:
$ led -h
usage: led [options...]
[cli options]:
-h - prints this help message
-v - shows the program version
-f [file] - set the filename by default
[program commands]:
q - quit
sp [str] - set custom prompt
sd - set default prompt
sf [file] - set filename
cs - clear screen
c - clean buffer
p - print buffer
pl - print buffer with numbered lines
pc - print buffer by characters
pf - print filename
a - append data to buffer(without \n)
an - append data to buffer(with \n)
w [file] - safe buffer to file
wa [file] - safe buffer to file(append, not rewrite)
f [file] - fill buffer from file
fn [file] - fill buffer from file(with \n)
ia [line] [str] - insert data after specified line
ian [line] [str] - insert data after specified line(with \n)
ib [line] [str] - insert data before specified line
ibn [line] [str] - insert data before specified line(with \n)
dl [line] - delete the specified line
dr [line1] [line2] - delete the lines in the specified range
Also, you can check build options, by typing -h to build script:
$ ./build.sh -h
usage: ./build.sh [options...]
-d - compile and install debug version
-r - compile and install release version
-c - delete compiled object files
-h - prints help message
It is recommended to use this script from the main repository folder, not a build or other nested directories.
TODO list
- [ ] add linked list, and delete overhead with buffers
- [x] delete getopt_long(), add getopt()
- [ ] rewrite parser
- [x] rewrite build system
- [x] rewrite documentation
- [ ] add a documentation about the program internals
- [ ] add a delete_substring()
- [ ] add a copying function
- [ ] add a addressing strings
- [ ] add a concatenate strings function
- [ ] add a insert function that uses an relative indices in the row for inserting data