ClusterKit copied to clipboard
clustering for Mapbox not working
So I have tried implementing the ClusterKit proj in order to have clustering of annotations/(possibly polylines)(given that Mapbox does not have that functionality) in my app but it does not seem to work. No errors or anything it just does nothing and I am unsure what I am doing wrong.
Here is the relevant code:
viewDidLoad() {
let algorithm = CKNonHierarchicalDistanceBasedAlgorithm()
algorithm.cellSize = 200
mapView1.clusterManager.algorithm = algorithm
fetchData() //This is a call to firebase I add the annotations to an array of them inside an annotations object.
setupCluster() //This gest called multiple times IDK why, not sure if its the issue but I have been unable to change this
func setupCluster() {
mapView1.clusterManager.marginFactor = 1
print(ObjAnnotationArray.annotations, " These are teh annotations")
mapView1.clusterManager.annotations = ObjAnnotationArray.annotations
These are the delagete methods whwere I added functionality as specified in the docs.
` @nonobjc func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
print("Change ")
` func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, didSelect annotation: MGLAnnotation) {
print(annotation," ",(annotation as? CKCluster)?.count, " also: ",annotation as? CKCluster)
if let cluster = annotation as? CKCluster, cluster.count > 1 {
print("inside if the k=cluser functionaluty")
let edgePadding = UIEdgeInsets(top: 40, left: 20, bottom: 44, right: 20)
let camera = mapView.cameraThatFitsCluster(cluster, edgePadding: edgePadding)
mapView.setCamera(camera, animated: true)
Any help/suggestions on how to solve this?
I have looked here at their example but cant find a solution there myself.
Also, here is the wiki on how to implement which I followed.
I've also tried making use of this third party to create clusters of the annotation views, but nothing happens. No errors or anything are shown either? Has this issue been resolved?