Smyck-Color-Scheme copied to clipboard
Underline spelling errors
Loving the coloscheme so far.
I have tried changing the spell highlighting to under curl the errors, I think this makes errors stand out without being intrusive.
If you like it I'd love to see it incorporated.
I added the changes to gui= below.
Thanks for the colours,
hi SpellBad cterm=none ctermbg=1 ctermfg=15 gui=undercurl guifg=#F7F7F7
hi SpellCap cterm=none ctermbg=4 ctermfg=15 gui=undercurl,bold guifg=#F7F7F7
hi SpellRare cterm=none ctermbg=4 ctermfg=15 gui=undercurl guifg=#F7F7F7
hi SpellLocal cterm=none ctermbg=4 ctermfg=15 gui=undercurl guifg=#F7F7F7
Can you provide an example file and a screenshot?
Here is an example of "set spell" without my changes:
And here is an example with my changes:
Hope this helps,
As a Smyck user, I'm +1 on this
+1 here. I was going to go back to peaksea for this exact reason before stumbling across this ticket. There is currently no highlighting for :spell
+1. I just started using Smyck, and I was confused for a bit why ":set spell" showed nothing. Thanks for the simple fix, it works great. I hope to see it integrated soon.
This would be a great addition. I use vim for typing LaTeX as well as programming. Love the colour scheme.