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Code release for paper "You Only Segment Once: Towards Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation" [CVPR 2023]
Thanks for your work! The paper points that YOLO delivers competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art models. In fact, currently, much better results may be achieved both for COCO and Cityscapes...
When drawing the result of the panoptic segmentation (draw_panoptic_seg_predictions), then one of the subsequent calls within that function call -> YOSO/detectron2/utils/visualizer.py line 857 the color can numerically be > 1....
How to Convert a Model to Onnx Lattice,yoso_res50_coco.pth
In the current form, the package is installed such that its subpackages are imported like this: ``` from demo import config ``` (which might very well clash with other local...
Hello, I encountered the following problems when testing the demo: “RuntimeError: GET was unable to find an engine to execute this computation” how to solve it?thank you!
python demo/demo.py --config-file projects/YOSO/configs/ade20k/panoptic-segmentation/YOSO-R50.yaml --video-input 123.mp4 --output output/ --opts MODEL.WEIGHTS weights/yoso_res50_ade20k.pth [07/31 22:58:16 detectron2]: Arguments: Namespace(config_file='projects/YOSO/configs/ade20k/panoptic-segmentation/YOSO-R50.yaml', webcam=False, video_input='123.mp4', input=None, output='output/', overlap_threshold=0.98, confidence_threshold=0.8, opts=['MODEL.WEIGHTS', 'weights/yoso_res50_ade20k.pth']) WARNING [07/31 22:58:16 fvcore.common.config]: Loading config...
In following the installation of yoso, I run the line `pip install pycocotools -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple`. However, I get the error ``` Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not...