Hui Li
Hui Li
Hi @nievergeltlab , Thanks for your feedback. I think a better way to solve the issue you mentioned is to put in a header conformer that allows for customized column...
Hi @ukuvainik , I wonder if you're using the latest version of the software. If not, could you try re-pulling the repository? Please let me know if you the problem...
@ukuvainik Thanks for that information. It's useful and indeed allele frequency is required for MTAG. Could you try adding that to the input sumstats using a reference panel? I just...
@ukuvainik For adding MAF column, you could use the HapMap3 or HRC samples. I think any software would do.
@ukuvainik I think so if your GWAS sumstats are from a European sample. It's probably not the best question to ask here @paturley , but I'm happy to help if...
Hi @ukuvainik , Thanks again for these feedback, and sorry for the late reply. There are several issues so please see my responses below: - For the column names, instead...
Hi @ukuvainik , Just to follow up on this thread, I have added a separate flag for calling MTAG to use the BETA and SE columns (as opposed to Z),...