Hui Li
Hui Li
Thanks! Hmm I still can't replicate your problem. I'll track down this problem eventually, but if this is urgent, could you try removing all the unused columns in the input...
@paturley This hasn't come up during my time with `mtag`... but I think I just replicated this error that @carbocation is seeing. The problem has to do with the presence...
Hi @restuadi311 , The sumstats look fine to me, so as long as the specification of the column names (implied in your command) aligns with the format of your data,...
Hi @restuadi311 , I tried but still could not replicate the error you're getting. Are you using the latest version of the software (re-pulled the repo just to make sure)?...
Hi @restuadi311 , Thanks for sharing your files! Sorry for the delay. This was due to a bug that was a bit hard to find. I just fixed it in...
Hi @geneticsmcgill , Have you checked for NaN values in the sample size (N) column as well or just the allele frequency column? To your last question about adding the...
Hi @XianmeiLan , There is a similar discussion on using MTAG on a large number of traits previously in an issue [here]( As Patrick mentioned in this post, the Omega...
Hi @nay421 , Right now the `--beta` and `--se` flags are placed as an alternative to the `--z` flag. So essentially a single Z=Beta/SE step is added before MTAG analyses...
Hi @nay421 , MTAG has been updated now to handle the Beta/SE input. Please feel free to repull the master and try using the `--beta_name` and `--se_name` options. The output...
Hi @HongyanR , That's right @paturley so you can turn on this meta-analysis mode, by specifying two flags simulaneously - `--equal_h2` and `--perfect_gencov`. With this mode, MTAG produces a single...