pygments-style-github icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pygments-style-github copied to clipboard

A port of the github color scheme for pygments.


Using PyPI and pip


$ (sudo) pip install pygments-style-github



$ git clone git://
$ cd pygments-style-github
$ (sudo) python install

Usage example


>>> from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
>>> HtmlFormatter(style='github').style
<class 'pygments_style_github.GithubStyle'>

Export the style as CSS


pygmentize -S github -f html > github.css

Using in LaTeX documents

See the minted package at

Extra information

Pygments supported languages

Pygments at the moment supports over 150 different programming languages, template languages and other markup languages. To see an exhaustive list of the currently supported languages, use the command::

$ pygmentize -L lexers

Pygments styles avaible

To get a list of all available stylesheets, execute the following command on the command line::

$ pygmentize -L styles

Please read the official documentation_ for further information on the usage of pygment styles.

.. _official documentation:


This package is based upon the pygments-style-railscasts_ of Marcus Fredriksson.

.. _pygments-style-railscasts: