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An easy way to publish your python packages.


Foster care for your python projects. This tool is a simple way to build and publish your packages to PyPI, making them available for a pip install.

PyPI version Build Status Coverage Status


Install foster:

pip install foster

Init your package settings:

foster init

This will create a file in your current directory (this should be the root of your project). This is the only file you need to commit to your version control (git).

Edit the file with your package information. Example:

name = 'myproject'
version = '0.0.0'

packages = ['myproject', 'myproject.subpackage']
files = ['myproject/files', 'LICENSE']
requirements = ['Jinja2 >= 2, < 3']
scripts = ['myp=myproject.command:run']

author = 'John Doe
author_email = '[email protected]'
license = 'MIT'
url = ''

keywords = 'myproject awesome python'
description = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit'

long_description = """
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

In the above example, the package will:

  • Include the python packages myproject and myproject.subpackage
  • Include all the files in the myproject/files directory (recursively) and the LICENSE file
  • Add Jinja2 (version 2.x.x) as a requirement (it's probably not a good idea to pinpoint the version, but you can)
  • Add the console script myp, making it execute the run callable in the myproject.command file

If you're not using some of the fields, like files or scripts for instance, just leave them empty (don't delete them).

Next, build your package (this will create a dist directory):

foster build

Finally, publish your package to the PyPI test environment:

foster publish staging

Change staging for production when you're ready for the real deal.

Packages uploaded to the PyPI's test environment can be tested with:

pip install -i myproject

Or, more easily:

foster test myproject

If your package has dependencies, you'll have to install them from the standard repository first:

pip install Jinja2
foster test myproject