proxmox-create-docker-ct icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
proxmox-create-docker-ct copied to clipboard

Run each docker-compose.yml inside one unprivileged LXC container, on Proxmox (PVE).

create-docker-ct for Proxmox VE

Scripts and notes for running one docker-compose.yml application using Docker Compose inside an unprivileged LXC container, on Proxmox Virtual Environment (PVE).

Use this if you want:

  • one unprivileged LXC container per one application (one docker-compose.yml)
  • a bind-mounted directory into each container/application, where
    • its docker-compose.yml lives there
    • its configuration lives there
    • its data lives there

This means, that to deploy a new application, you...

  1. run the script create-docker-ct with the name of your new application as argument,
  2. create or download its docker-compose.yml file into the directory the script tells you,
  3. start the newly created LXC container.



  • Install PVE (for example via

Install create-docker-ct

curl -sSfL \
  | tar -xzvC /usr/local/bin --wildcards "*/usr_local_bin/" --strip-components=2

Create an app CT


  create-docker-ct --help                              This help message
  create-docker-ct <name>                              Create a CT from alpine-3.18-default_20230607_amd64.tar.xz
  create-docker-ct <name> [<base_template_filename>]   Create a CT from specified base template


  create-docker-ct my-service
  create-docker-ct my-service alpine-3.18-default_20230607_amd64.tar.xz
  create-docker-ct my-service ubuntu-22.04-standard_22.04-1_amd64.tar.zst
  create-docker-ct my-service debian-12-standard_12.0-1_amd64.tar.zst

Run this script:

create-docker-ct <name>

...where <name> is the name of the app.

The application's name will be its directory name, and its hostname.

The script will output:

  • the app CT's VMID number, and
  • the directory mounted as /appdata inside the CT, where its docker-compose.yml etc. lives.

Deploy/redeploy application inside

Edit the CT's docker-compose.yml file, or overwrite it with what you want to deploy.

Start or restart the app CT:

pct start <vmid>
pct restart <vmid>