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I can not build the website.
When I try to build this by running it locally using " hugo server -w" in the CLI I get the following output: Start building sites … hugo v0.88.1-5BC54738 linux/amd64 BuildDate=2021-09-04T09:39:19Z VendorInfo=gohugoio Error: Error building site: "/home/guzmanr/Desktop/LastWebsite/": failed to render shortcode "tweet": failed to process shortcode: template: _internal/shortcodes/tweet.html:6:82: executing "_internal/shortcodes/tweet.html" at <index .Params 0>: error calling index: value has type int; should be string Built in 3742 ms
The only changes that I have made to the original code would be the repository name to the forked one and the baseURL. I've tried to remove the error by disabling the flag for twitter but that does not help the situation.
Please , upgrade your Hugo version to 100 or later .