torchMoji copied to clipboard
Providing a working enviroment for the current version
(This should be somehow a pull request, but I have no idea how to do that, I am not a github-expert user) In order to work with the provided torchMoji follow these instructions:
- Use Ubuntu (version 16.04 in my case) and install Miniconda or Anaconda
- Create the file
name: torchmoji_env
- pytorch
- defaults
- _libgcc_mutex=0.1=main
- alabaster=0.7.12=py36_0
- astroid=2.4.2=py36_0
- attrs=19.3.0=py_0
- babel=2.8.0=py_0
- backcall=0.2.0=py_0
- blas=1.0=mkl
- bleach=3.1.5=py_0
- brotlipy=0.7.0=py36h7b6447c_1000
- ca-certificates=2020.6.24=0
- certifi=2020.6.20=py36_0
- cffi=1.14.0=py36h2e261b9_0
- chardet=3.0.4=py36_1003
- cloudpickle=1.4.1=py_0
- cryptography=2.9.2=py36h1ba5d50_0
- cudatoolkit=10.0.130=0
- dbus=1.13.16=hb2f20db_0
- decorator=4.4.2=py_0
- defusedxml=0.6.0=py_0
- docutils=0.16=py36_1
- entrypoints=0.3=py36_0
- expat=2.2.9=he6710b0_2
- fontconfig=2.13.0=h9420a91_0
- freetype=2.10.2=h5ab3b9f_0
- glib=2.63.1=h5a9c865_0
- gst-plugins-base=1.14.0=hbbd80ab_1
- gstreamer=1.14.0=hb453b48_1
- icu=58.2=he6710b0_3
- idna=2.10=py_0
- imagesize=1.2.0=py_0
- importlib-metadata=1.7.0=py36_0
- importlib_metadata=1.7.0=0
- intel-openmp=2019.4=243
- ipykernel=5.3.0=py36h5ca1d4c_0
- ipython=7.16.1=py36h5ca1d4c_0
- ipython_genutils=0.2.0=py36_0
- isort=4.3.21=py36_0
- jedi=0.17.1=py36_0
- jeepney=0.4.3=py_0
- jinja2=2.11.2=py_0
- jpeg=9b=h024ee3a_2
- jsonschema=3.2.0=py36_0
- jupyter_client=6.1.3=py_0
- jupyter_core=4.6.3=py36_0
- keyring=21.2.1=py36_0
- lazy-object-proxy=1.4.3=py36h7b6447c_0
- libedit=3.1.20191231=h7b6447c_0
- libffi=3.2.1=hd88cf55_4
- libgcc-ng=9.1.0=hdf63c60_0
- libgfortran-ng=7.3.0=hdf63c60_0
- libpng=1.6.37=hbc83047_0
- libsodium=1.0.18=h7b6447c_0
- libstdcxx-ng=9.1.0=hdf63c60_0
- libuuid=1.0.3=h1bed415_2
- libxcb=1.14=h7b6447c_0
- libxml2=2.9.10=he19cac6_1
- markupsafe=1.1.1=py36h7b6447c_0
- mccabe=0.6.1=py36_1
- mistune=0.8.4=py36h7b6447c_0
- mkl=2018.0.3=1
- nbconvert=5.6.1=py36_0
- nbformat=5.0.7=py_0
- ncurses=6.2=he6710b0_1
- ninja=1.9.0=py36hfd86e86_0
- numpydoc=1.0.0=py_0
- openssl=1.1.1g=h7b6447c_0
- packaging=20.4=py_0
- pandoc=
- pandocfilters=1.4.2=py36_1
- parso=0.7.0=py_0
- pcre=8.44=he6710b0_0
- pexpect=4.8.0=py36_0
- pickleshare=0.7.5=py36_0
- pip=20.1.1=py36_1
- prompt-toolkit=3.0.5=py_0
- psutil=5.7.0=py36h7b6447c_0
- ptyprocess=0.6.0=py36_0
- pycodestyle=2.6.0=py_0
- pycparser=2.20=py_0
- pyflakes=2.2.0=py_0
- pygments=2.6.1=py_0
- pylint=2.5.3=py36_0
- pyopenssl=19.1.0=py36_0
- pyparsing=2.4.7=py_0
- pyqt=5.9.2=py36h05f1152_2
- pyrsistent=0.16.0=py36h7b6447c_0
- pysocks=1.7.1=py36_0
- python=3.6.7=h0371630_0
- python-dateutil=2.8.1=py_0
- pytorch=1.0.1=py3.6_cuda10.0.130_cudnn7.4.2_2
- pytz=2020.1=py_0
- pyzmq=19.0.1=py36he6710b0_1
- qt=5.9.7=h5867ecd_1
- qtawesome=0.7.2=py_0
- qtconsole=4.7.5=py_0
- qtpy=1.9.0=py_0
- readline=7.0=h7b6447c_5
- requests=2.24.0=py_0
- rope=0.17.0=py_0
- secretstorage=3.1.2=py36_0
- setuptools=47.3.1=py36_0
- sip=4.19.8=py36hf484d3e_0
- six=1.15.0=py_0
- snowballstemmer=2.0.0=py_0
- sphinx=3.1.1=py_0
- sphinxcontrib-applehelp=1.0.2=py_0
- sphinxcontrib-devhelp=1.0.2=py_0
- sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp=1.0.3=py_0
- sphinxcontrib-jsmath=1.0.1=py_0
- sphinxcontrib-qthelp=1.0.3=py_0
- sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml=1.1.4=py_0
- spyder=3.3.6=py36_0
- spyder-kernels=0.5.2=py36_0
- sqlite=3.32.3=h62c20be_0
- testpath=0.4.4=py_0
- tk=8.6.10=hbc83047_0
- toml=0.10.1=py_0
- tornado=6.0.4=py36h7b6447c_1
- traitlets=4.3.3=py36_0
- typed-ast=1.4.1=py36h7b6447c_0
- urllib3=1.25.9=py_0
- wcwidth=0.2.5=py_0
- webencodings=0.5.1=py36_1
- wheel=0.34.2=py36_0
- wrapt=1.11.2=py36h7b6447c_0
- wurlitzer=2.0.0=py36_0
- xz=5.2.5=h7b6447c_0
- zeromq=4.3.2=he6710b0_2
- zipp=3.1.0=py_0
- zlib=1.2.11=h7b6447c_3
- pip:
- emoji==0.4.5
- jupyter-client==6.1.5
- nose==1.3.7
- numpy==1.13.1
- pandas==0.20.3
- scikit-learn==0.19.0
- scipy==0.19.1
- text-unidecode==1.0
prefix: /home/user/Miniconda3/ana/envs/torchmoji_env
Then, install and activate it as:
conda env create -f torchmoji_env.yml
conda activate torchmoji_env
Now in order to run it, you have to fix some bugs in the code (maybe un-compatibility issues),
look at:
and when you get a bug in something like .numpy() [0]
replace it with .numpy()