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[Pipelines] Add a ControlNet pipeline

Open apolinario opened this issue 1 year ago • 34 comments

Model/Pipeline/Scheduler description

ControlNet by @lllyasviel is a neural network structure to control diffusion models by adding extra conditions.

It has integration with Stable Diffusion and 8 pre-trained models that conditions the models on different attributes (such as edge detection, scribbles, depth maps, semantic segmentations and more)

Would be great if this was added to diffusers as a pipeline (and probably with a method to load the different models).

Scribble maps condition model Human pose condition model

Open source status

  • [X] The model implementation is available
  • [X] The model weights are available (Only relevant if addition is not a scheduler).

Provide useful links for the implementation

Original code: https://github.com/lllyasviel/ControlNet Pre-trained models: https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/ControlNet/tree/main/models Hugging Face Spaces demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/RamAnanth1/ControlNet

apolinario avatar Feb 13 '23 09:02 apolinario

Hi @apolinario,

ControlNet seems to offer great output quality and seems to be very versatile. I am very interested in getting involved.

I'm thinking of first trying to proceed with the PoC level this next week or so as follows. This is just my idea, so please let me know if you have any suggestions on how this should be done.

  1. Load and convert ckpt: needed for E2E comparison with reference implementation
    • add function to convert_from_ckpt.py
  2. ControlNet class equivalent: inherit from ~UNet2DConditionModel class~ Mixins
    • Porting input_hint_block and zero_conv
  3. ControlledUnetModel class equivalent: inherit from UNet2DConditionModel class
    • Override forward()
  4. Minimal pipeline.
    • Do not implement the control embedding (c_concat) calculation in the pipeline, but make it an argument of pipe.__call__() to avoid pipeline abuse.
  5. Testing
    • Ensure that all current unit tests pass
    • E2E compare with reference implementation. Output is using the same sampler (DDIM) to check pixel match.
    • Additional unit tests for new ControlNet and ControlledUnetModel equivalent classes and new pipeline.

takuma104 avatar Feb 13 '23 13:02 takuma104

This is a WIP code for 1. https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/compare/main...takuma104:diffusers:controlnet

It can now convert to Diffusers format without error messages. However, the ControlNetModel implementation is not yet complete, so the data is not correct. After writing all this, I wonder if I should write it as a Community Pipeline? I am concerned about the impact as this will be a fairly large modification.

takuma104 avatar Feb 13 '23 18:02 takuma104

Very cool @takuma104, thanks a lot! cc @patrickvonplaten, @patil-suraj, @williamberman on best practices and trade-off of impact/modifications.

I think this technique is showing how adding extra conditions to diffusion models (in general) has huge potential and how the pre-trained models are impactful

So I think an official pipeline makes sense here, but the trade-off of the modifications it requires may be worth debating a bit.

apolinario avatar Feb 13 '23 19:02 apolinario

@apolinario, Thanks! Sounds nice, I too think this model is worth making official.

@patrickvonplaten, @patil-suraj, @williamberman Here is an overview of my current code diff. My basic policy is to try to avoid interfering with the original code as much as possible, but I'm not sure if this is a good idea in terms of future maintainability, so I'd like your feedback.

  • scripts/convert_controlnet_to_diffusers.py

    • This is mostly a copy of convert_original_stable_diffusion_to_diffusers.py. This file is pretty simple and has a good outlook, so I think I'll leave it as is. There may be some adjustments to some of the command line options.
  • src/diffusers/models/unet_2d_condition_controlnet.py

    • This is a copy of unet_2d_condition.py, the file where I am trying to create the ControlNet model. It's a work in progress so I can't see what's coming, but I can assume that a lot of the code will be copied from UNet2DConditionModel.
  • src/diffusers/pipelines/stable_diffusion/pipeline_stable_diffusion_controlnet.py

    • I will write this by copying from pipeline_stable_diffusion.py. I will modify it based on a copy of __call__().
  • src/diffusers/pipelines/stable_diffusion/convert_from_ckpt.py

    • Add load_pipeline_from_control_net_ckpt() as an API. This is used by convert_controlnet_to_diffusers.py to convert to Diffusers format.
    • Most of the additional code is copied from the original and is quite verbose. I wonder if I should modify the original code by making it as splitting functions, or if this way of copying is better. Or should I split the files themselves? (e.g. by partially calling the function in convert_from_ckpt.py)
  • I've also modified the __init__.py in each folder hierarchy to propagate the class names.

  • No test files have been added yet, one file each would be added to tests/models and test/pipelines.

takuma104 avatar Feb 14 '23 15:02 takuma104

About file placement: I think the file layout depends on how we view ControlNet: is it an extension of StableDiffusion like LoRA or Hypernetwork, or is it a different model since it uses two Unet equivalents and is quite special?

If the latter, we could put all the necessary dependency files in the src/diffusers/pipelines/control_net folder, including the model file. Would this be preferable?

takuma104 avatar Feb 14 '23 15:02 takuma104

Wow, nicely done! Looking forward to the completed version!

Since one important application of ControlNet is to initialize from Stable Diffusion and fine-tune on user's customized dataset, would it make sense to have some instructions and methods for this?

xvjiarui avatar Feb 14 '23 19:02 xvjiarui

Hi @xvjiarui , thanks! I agree with you. I was thinking of minimizing the PoC, so I'm thinking of just supporting inference. Once the PoC is complete, could you try writing some code for fine-tune? :)

takuma104 avatar Feb 15 '23 14:02 takuma104

Sure. Looking forward to it.

xvjiarui avatar Feb 15 '23 16:02 xvjiarui

Super cool model!

I've only skimmed the paper so these are just preliminary thoughts. I think we can add this model cleanly but there are some nuanced considerations. We definitely don't want to add a separate unet implementation if possible. I think we have to mainly consider inference here as for training and weight loading, there is a whole independent unet that has to be trained/loaded (i.e. there are no lora-esque considerations for efficient weight training/loading maybe modulo loading the original unet).


My basic understanding: controlnet uses two separate unets.

unet 1: Same architecture and weights as original stable diffusion. The only difference here is that residual connections are added together with outputs from unet2. This means that our existing conditional unet has to take these "additional residuals" as input[^1].

unet 2: zero conv modified architecture stable diffusion unet. This is the trained unet which takes in the additional conditioning. The only (?) architecture modification from the original unet is the zero conv blocks. It looks like the output of the decoder blocks are fed through the zero convs before being passed to the residual connections in unet1.

We will have to return the outputs of the unet decoder for passing to the residuals of unet1[^2].

If the zero conv blocks are only used "between" unets i.e. unet2 doesn't use the zero conv output before passing to the next layer in the decoder, we should be able to avoid any changes to existing unet blocks. The zero conv layers can all be stored as a separate model independent of unet 2[^3].

If the zero conv blocks are used w/in unet2, we will either have to duplicate the unet blocks to separate unet blocks that include the zero conv layer, or we will have to add a flag to the relevant unet blocks for them to include an optional zero conv layer[^4].

Separately, There is an additional model maps the additional conditioning into the same dimensionality as the latent images. It sounds straight forward to add.

[^1]: This is a small and ok change. [^2]: This is also a small and ok change. [^3]: This is just a helper model local to the pipeline, also ok. [^4]: The flag is a small change but it is network specific. The separate blocks are isolated but will be more copy-paste. I'm leaning towards the flag but one of the two should be ok

williamberman avatar Feb 15 '23 20:02 williamberman

Hi @williamberman ,

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I was aware that I was building a bunch of copy-paste and was concerned about maintainability. As you said, it would not be difficult to implement unet1 and unet2 by changing the behavior of UNet2DConditionModel's __init__() and forward() arguments for both unet1 and unet2. I'll make a plan for implementation.

I think I have implemented a PoC version of the forward path equivalent to unet1 and unet2, and the difference from the original code is as follows. FYI.

takuma104 avatar Feb 16 '23 02:02 takuma104

Thanks! Feel free to keep me updated :)

williamberman avatar Feb 16 '23 03:02 williamberman

I think I could minimize the diff by changing the behavior of UNet2DConditionModel with arguments. https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/compare/main...takuma104:diffusers:controlnet

Here is a summary.

  • In models/controlnet_blocks.py I put together the blocks needed in ControlNet.
  • Code added to `UNet2DConditionModel
    • ControlNet (unet2) if controlnet_hint_channels is specified in __init__() argument. In forward(), the embedding for ControlNet (controlnet_hint) is given and controlnet_hint is preprocessed and it outputs the result of zero_conv.
    • ControlledUnet (unet1) shares __init__() with other unets. If the output of ControlNet is passed as the control argument to forward(), it will be processed as a ControlledUnet.

takuma104 avatar Feb 16 '23 16:02 takuma104

@patrickvonplaten pointed out to me that unet 2 does vary more from the our existing unet in that it doesn't have a traditional decoder, it looks like it only passes residuals directly to zero convs (at least from the diagram). It makes sense then to have a separate control net model.

@takuma104 love the progress you've made, I'm going to jump in here because we want to push this in since control nets are so cool. Can you send me your latest commit so I can pull in your current state? I'll absolutely make sure you get credit on the pr etc and would love your help/guidance on it :)

williamberman avatar Feb 16 '23 17:02 williamberman

@williamberman @patrickvonplaten Thanks a lot! Thanks to your advice, I think the code is now very easy to understand and maintain. The only thing left to do is to implement the pipeline (and its minimum test), so I think a PoC will be ready in the next few days. I'll open a PR when it's ready.

takuma104 avatar Feb 16 '23 18:02 takuma104

PoC is now complete! For some unknown reason it didn't pass the pixel match test completely, but it looks fine in my subjective evaluation. The image on the top row is the Diffusers version compared to the @lllyasviel 's reference implementation.

The leftmost image is the control image and is a Canny Edge of Girl with a Pearl Earring. It may not have been the best choice as since this original image seems to be overlearned, but I think everyone generated is wearing earrings.


I'll open a PR soon.

Here is the code I used to generate this figure: https://gist.github.com/takuma104/c21f41b09ace36c3ae312383838a6969

takuma104 avatar Feb 17 '23 18:02 takuma104

Is it possible to combine multiple ControlNet conditions at once, and if so, should the Diffusers implementation be built to support that?

I've skimmed the ControlNet paper and can't see a mention of combining control models. However, it looks like it's simply applying additive changes to the latents at various blocks in the UNet. If these are additive nudges towards the constraint, can they be composed into joint constraints?

It seems to me that composability would be incredibly powerful here if it could be made to work. An API that allows the user to provide an arbitrary list of controllers would be a dream, but I don't know whether the signals combine in that way.

SamPruden avatar Feb 18 '23 12:02 SamPruden

Hi @SamPruden ,

I don't know how effective the idea of using multiple ControlNets to synthesize control embedding and apply it to single Unet is, but I was personally interested in it and thought I would experiment with it (after finishing my PR work).

In principle it is very simple: add multiple ControlNets to the pipe and add its output.

This part of unet's inference loop, which now looks like this

control = self.controlnet(latent_model_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=prompt_embeds, controlnet_hint=controlnet_hint)
noise_pred = self.unet(latent_model_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=prompt_embeds, cross_attention_kwargs=cross_attention_kwargs, control=control).sample

For example, it should be possible to achieve this by simply adding and combining the controlnet outputs like this. (I repeat, I am not sure of the validity of this.)

control1 = self.controlnet1(latent_model_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=prompt_embeds, controlnet_hint=controlnet_hint1)
control2 = self.controlnet2(latent_model_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=prompt_embeds, controlnet_hint=controlnet_hint2)
control = [c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(control1, control2)]
noise_pred = self.unet(latent_model_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=prompt_embeds, cross_attention_kwargs=cross_attention_kwargs, control=control).sample

takuma104 avatar Feb 18 '23 13:02 takuma104

Very cool @takuma104, I'll be interested to see how well this works! If it's highly effective it would be cool to allow the controlnet param to be a list, or to have some CombinedControlNet concept, but obviously that depends on results.

My intuition says that taking the mean of control signals probably makes more sense than taking the sum, but I'm not sure on that.

SamPruden avatar Feb 18 '23 13:02 SamPruden

@SamPruden I see, I did not have the idea of averaging. I have a feeling it will lead to more better results.

If you don't mind, could you clone the code in my repository, which is still under development, and give it a try to experiment? I have created a Colab notebook for basic pipeline usage, so please refer to that. I also have 2 ready-to-use models (canny edge, openpose). The quickest way to modify the pipeline is to rewrite the StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline class directly I think.

takuma104 avatar Feb 18 '23 15:02 takuma104

@takuma104 Tried Colab demo, great work!

eeyrw avatar Feb 18 '23 16:02 eeyrw

Thanks @eeyrw ! Enjoy :)

takuma104 avatar Feb 18 '23 16:02 takuma104

If you don't mind, could you clone the code in my repository, which is still under development, and give it a try to experiment?

I've taken a preliminary pass at this. Code is a mess at the moment. Results are mixed.

The good news

First canny mask:


Second canny mask


Image generated jointly using two separate canny ControlNets:


So combining multiple ControlNets of the same type seems to Just Work. (I haven't tested overlaps yet.)

Admittedly, it's not very useful in this case, as I could have simply merged the masks and used a single model.

~~The bad news~~

~~I've only gotten junk out of combining canny + pose so far. However, I've been getting pretty bad outputs from the pose model anyway. Running the pose model on its own with the prompt "A photograph of a man running in a field with a dog beside him, high quality" seems to completely ignore the dog. Perhaps there's an issue with the pose model not playing nicely with additional elements. If so, this may not be a problem with the concept of combining control models.~~

@takuma104 if you get some other control models ported it would be interesting to test whether we can combine canny + scribble, for instance.

SamPruden avatar Feb 18 '23 20:02 SamPruden

Pose + canny multi control working!


DEMO: https://colab.research.google.com/gist/SamPruden/7f1ce489a9f04be4ad237e40ca4936ee/controlnetdiffusersdevelopment-multi-model-demo.ipynb

However, this required a prompt: "a man jumping in a field with a dog"

If we run it with only the default prompt, it seems to consistently pickup the canny edges and ignore the pose: image

Perhaps this is fixable with some type of control weighting. More research needed.

@takuma104 You were right, I was wrong. Summing the signals works better than taking the mean, at least for the examples I've tried so far.

Hypothesis: When the signals are touching different parts of the image, they touch fairly different parts of the latent space. As such, they don't interfere with each other. Taking the mean effectively cuts the strength of each in half, and therefore is less effective.

This may cause issues when they do overlap more in the latent space, but perhaps a slightly clever way of merging the signals can deal with this, e.g. some type of max-clamped addition. I'll do some experiments at some point. I haven't empirically seen this causing a problem yet.

Overall, I think this is very promising! Details need to be worked out, but the basic idea of merging control models holds promise. I'll probably take another run at it tomorrow and see if I can move beyond an ugly prototype into something that might actually be useful.

SamPruden avatar Feb 18 '23 21:02 SamPruden

@SamPruden Great result! Thanks! I'll have to figure out how to add ControlNet to the pipeline for this. However, I will not include it in this PR, but will open another PR once this one is merged.

The idea at the moment is as follows:

  • Provide a method pipe.append_controlnet() to add ControlNet dynamically
  • If a ControlNet is added, pipe.__call__() uses it.
  • The __call__() argument controlnet_hint must be passed as an array if a ControlNet has been added.

The code should look something like this:

from diffusers import StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline
from diffusers import UNet2DConditionModel

pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained("takuma104/control_sd15_canny").to("cuda")
control_openpose = UNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained("takuma104/control_sd15_openpose", subfolder="controlnet").cuda()
image = pipe(prompt="best quality, extremely detailed", 
             controlnet_hint=[canny_control_image, openpose_control_image]).images[0]

takuma104 avatar Feb 19 '23 14:02 takuma104

I will answer here what I received in the PR thread (because I want the PR thread to be about the implementation itself).

@Mystfit Thanks! I will convert all the models in lllyasviel/ControlNet and publish them all for testing after this.

@cian0 This is still possible at the moment. I haven't tested it yet, but I think it should work since the code looks like this:

from diffusers import StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline
from diffusers import UNet2DConditionModel

pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained("takuma104/control_sd15_canny").to("cuda")
pipe.unet = UNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained("gsdf/Counterfeit-V2.5", subfolder="unet").cuda()
image = pipe(prompt="best quality, extremely detailed", 

The gsdf/Counterfeit-V2.5 here is an example, and I think the SD1.x series model would also work.

@Mystfit Thanks for the report! It is true that RGB->BGR conversion is required when controlnet_hint is specified in PIL.Image type. I will fix it.

takuma104 avatar Feb 19 '23 15:02 takuma104

I'll have to figure out how to add ControlNet to the pipeline for this. However, I will not include it in this PR, but will open another PR once this one is merged.


Some disorganised thoughts after the prototype:

I haven't fully experimented with this yet, but it would be good to have a weighting parameter for each controller. This would cover the sum vs mean question - set all weights to 1/n and you have a mean. It's probably useful to control the relative strength of different controllers for artistic purposes, too.

The pipeline doesn't actually need to load the main diffusion model from ControlNet. Plain runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 works fine. It produces different results for the same seed for some reason, though - presumably it's a slightly different version.

Should takuma104/control_sd15_canny contain the main model at all, or should it only be the controller?

This raises a question - why is the ControlNet pipeline needed? If it works with the same base model, does it make more sense for the main pipeline to simply have optional controlnet support? This pattern would allow for future additions like append_classifier_guidance(), too. Separate pipelines for each control method goes against a broader goal of composability.

It could theoretically look like this:

from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline
from diffusers import UNet2DConditionModel

pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5").cuda()
control_canny = UNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained("takuma104/control_sd15_canny").cuda()
control_openpose = UNet2DConditionModel.from_pretrained("takuma104/control_sd15_openpose").cuda()
image = pipe(prompt="best quality, extremely detailed", 
             controlnet_hint=[canny_control_image, openpose_control_image]).images[0]

I still think that simply summing control signals may cause problems sometimes. The pose + canny controllers aren't ideal for testing this. A more typical scenario might be that somebody tries to combine canny + normal map control in order to better preserve detail. In this scenario, both controllers pushing in the same direction may "constructively interfere" and overshoot their target leading to bad results. We should do experiments with other accumulators. One that might be worth trying is clamp(sum(controllers), K * min(controllers), K * max(controllers)), i.e. limiting constructive interference by bounding it within the extremes of what any individual controller wants, up to some configurable factor.

In principle, there's no reason that ControlNet hints must be images. I believe the ControlNet architecture should be able to extend to handling things like additional text prompts, and we should make sure the implementation here doesn't block that. I.e. we should be lenient about passing arbitrary hints through to the ControlNet in whatever format it wants them. Unfortunately, that clashes with your hint conversion system. Perhaps we actually want the ControlNet type to be something closer to (hint_preprocessor, UNet2DConditionModel) to cover this.

The existing pretrained ControlNets are probably not ideal for composition. For example, the Canny controller seems to assume that its hint contains all canny edges in the image, meaning that blank areas of the hint get pushed towards being empty in the result. It might be more useful to have a version of the canny controller trained with partially masked hints, so that we can use canny edges to enforce detail in a certain region without damaging the rest of the image.

I also foresee it being useful to have controllers trained with mask inputs, i.e. the hint passed in might be of the form (mask, hint) and the controllers can be trained to regionally restrict their influence. This technique might even be able to support regionally restricted additional text prompts, although I have no idea what the training dataset for that would look like.

SamPruden avatar Feb 19 '23 15:02 SamPruden

An idea for discussion-1 on the PR page, I have created a library called controlnet_hinter. This library focuses on converting images to controlnet_hint. This is the part I originally planned to include in diffusers, but due to its heavy dependency on other libraries, I think it will be difficult to release it as diffusers. I will (personally) release it as a separate library. I have already piped it, so I think users can use it right away as is.

As for the contents, I just cut and pasted the annotator & gradio part of lllyasviel/ControlNet.

The usage is as follows. The control_image here can be any image. hint_canny() handles the canny edge. And another method like OpenPose is also supported like hint_openpose().

from diffusers import StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline
import controlnet_hinter

pipe = StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.from_pretrained("takuma104/control_sd15_canny").to("cuda")
controlnet_hint = controlnet_hinter.hint_canny(control_image)
image = pipe(prompt="best quality, extremely detailed", controlnet_hint=controlnet_hint).images[0]

takuma104 avatar Feb 19 '23 16:02 takuma104

@SamPruden Thanks for the suggestion! I think it is important to think about the future now.

This raises a question - why is the ControlNet pipeline needed? If it works with the same base model, does it make more sense for the main pipeline to simply have optional controlnet support?

Yes, as mentioned in discussion 2 of the PR, it is possible to integrate it into the StableDiffusionPipeline instead of creating a StableDiffusionControlNetPipeline.

I would like to discuss this point now as it relates to the current PR. I think there are several points of discussion on whether it is better to separate the pipelines or integrate them:

  1. Usability: What is more out-of-the-box? Ease of understanding?
  2. Maintainability: Which is better?
  3. Extensibility: Which is better?
  4. Data structure: Currently the pipeline model is closely related to the Diffusers data structure, and it seems that the argument of self.register_modules() in __init__() is directly related as a folder hierarchy. How to save controlnet then? Or what if there are multiple controlnets?

My current opinion is:

  1. I think the code written by @SamPruden is clear & clean enough. So I think either is fine on this point. I think the "out-of-box?" point is about the data structure in 4.
  2. I think it would be easier to maintain the code if it were integrated in terms of code diffs. I would especially like to hear from the Diffusers team.
  3. if we want to extend it more easily, I think it would be better to keep it separate.
  4. lllyasviel's original pre-trained model seems to have fine-tuned SD Unet decoders (Upblocks), so strictly speaking, a ControlNet and a Unet trained together should be used as a set. However, in most use cases, vanilla SD or any other fine-tuned SD models can be used for the Unet part.

So, I'm not sure if I can make a decision. Hmmm.

@williamberman @patrickvonplaten If you have any comments, please let us know.

takuma104 avatar Feb 19 '23 17:02 takuma104


In principle, there's no reason that ControlNet hints must be images.

I agree with you on this point, and this is another area in which I am looking forward to the future of ControlNet. I intentionally allow controlnet_hint to be specified as a torch.FloatTensor type with almost no preprocessing. The preprocessing is separated for PIL.Image, np.ndarray (OpenCV compatible BGR) and torch.FloatTensor respectively.

takuma104 avatar Feb 19 '23 18:02 takuma104

Thinking slightly out of the box for a minute, what if controllers were passed as arguments to __call__() instead of being added to the pipeline? Conceptually, this would make them additional parts of the prompt, instead of additional parts of the model.

pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5").cuda()

canny_controller = CannyController(canny_control_image, weight = 0.8)

face_description_controller = FaceDescriptionController(
    "old and hagged skin with youthful eyes",
    mask = face_location_mask

image = pipe(prompt="best quality, extremely detailed", 
             controllers=[canny_controller, face_description_controller]).images[0]

This way, controllers can take any arbitrary arguments and process them however they want. The only standard interface they have to adhere to is returning correctly shaped latents to be accumulated into the main model. IMO this gives absolute maximum flexibility for different ControlNet designs, and also minimizes the burden on the pipeline - its only job is calling the controller and accumulating the latent, it no longer cares about managing hints.

It also allows for another level of flexibility. Say that somebody wanted to use their own latent accumulator, they could create a MultiController like controllers = [MeanController(canny_controller, face_description_controller)].

If we further wanted to simplify the pipeline, we could say that it always takes only a single controller. MultiControllers could be the standard way of combining controllers.

This also avoids the data structure questions @takuma104 raises in 4. No modules to register.

This might be too much of a departure from the standard library patterns, but I thought it was at least worth putting out there.

SamPruden avatar Feb 19 '23 18:02 SamPruden