accelerate icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
accelerate copied to clipboard

Accelerate not working when setting subset of GPUs as visible CUDA devices

Open MrRobot2211 opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

System Info

/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torchvision/io/ UserWarning: Failed to load image Python extension: '/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torchvision/ undefined symbol: _ZN3c1017RegisterOperatorsD1Ev'If you don't plan on using image functionality from ``, you can ignore this warning. Otherwise, there might be something wrong with your environment. Did you have `libjpeg` or `libpng` installed before building `torchvision` from source?

Copy-and-paste the text below in your GitHub issue

- `Accelerate` version: 0.27.0
- Platform: Linux-5.15.0-94-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
- Python version: 3.11.6
- Numpy version: 1.26.4
- PyTorch version (GPU?): 2.2.0 (True)
- PyTorch XPU available: False
- PyTorch NPU available: False
- System RAM: 125.63 GB
- GPU type: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
- `Accelerate` default config:
	- compute_environment: LOCAL_MACHINE
	- distributed_type: MULTI_GPU
	- mixed_precision: no
	- use_cpu: False
	- debug: False
	- num_processes: 2
	- machine_rank: 0
	- num_machines: 1
	- rdzv_backend: static
	- same_network: False
	- main_training_function: main
	- downcast_bf16: False
	- tpu_use_cluster: False
	- tpu_use_sudo: False

I hav 1 3090 , and 2 4090 GPUs


  • [ ] The official example scripts
  • [X] My own modified scripts


  • [ ] One of the scripts in the examples/ folder of Accelerate or an officially supported no_trainer script in the examples folder of the transformers repo (such as
  • [X] My own task or dataset (give details below)


I have this loop

def train_ddp_accelerate(CFG, fold_id, train, output_path):
    accelerator = Accelerator(split_batches=True,mixed_precision='fp16')
   # accelerator = Accelerator(mixed_precision='fp16')

    device = accelerator.device #'cuda'#torch.device(CFG.device) 
    train_path_label, val_path_label, _, _ = get_path_label(fold_id, train_all)
    train_transform, val_transform = get_transforms(CFG)
    train_dataset = HMSHBACSpecDataset(**train_path_label, transform=train_transform)
    val_dataset = HMSHBACSpecDataset(**val_path_label, transform=val_transform)
    train_loader =
        train_dataset, batch_size=CFG.batch_size,pin_memory=True, num_workers=4, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)
    val_loader =
        val_dataset, batch_size=CFG.batch_size,pin_memory=True, num_workers=4, shuffle=False, drop_last=False)
    model = HMSHBACSpecModel(
        model_name=CFG.model_name, pretrained=True, num_classes=6, in_channels=1)

   # model = torch.nn.parallel.DataParallel(model, device_ids=[0, 1, 2])
    optimizer = optim.AdamW(params=model.parameters(),, weight_decay=CFG.weight_decay)
    scheduler = lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(
        optimizer=optimizer, epochs=CFG.max_epoch,
        pct_start=0.0, steps_per_epoch=len(train_loader),, div_factor=25, final_div_factor=4.0e-01
    loss_func = KLDivLossWithLogits()
  #  loss_func = torch.nn.parallel.DataParallel(loss_func, device_ids=[0, 1, 2])
    loss_func_val = KLDivLossWithLogits()
  #  loss_func_val = torch.nn.parallel.DataParallel(loss_func_val, device_ids=[0, 1, 2])

    # Send everything through `accelerator.prepare`
    train_loader, val_loader, model, optimizer,scheduler = accelerator.prepare(
        train_loader, val_loader, model, optimizer,scheduler

    best_val_loss = 1.0e+09
    best_epoch = 0
    train_loss = 0
    # Train for a single epoch
    for epoch in range(1, CFG.max_epoch + 1):
        epoch_start = time()
        for batch in train_loader:
            #batch = to_device(batch, device)
            x, t = batch["data"], batch["target"]
            with accelerator.autocast():
                y = model(x)
                loss = loss_func(y, t)
            if not accelerator.optimizer_step_was_skipped:
            train_loss += loss.detach()
        train_loss /= len(train_loader)


        # Evaluate
        correct = 0
        with torch.no_grad():
            for batch in val_loader:
                x, t = batch["data"], batch["target"]
               # x = to_device(x, device)

                val_loss +=  loss_func_val(y, t).detach()
        val_loss /= len(val_loader)

        total_val_loss = accelerator.reduce(val_loss).cpu()
        total_train_loss = accelerator.reduce(train_loss).cpu()
        if val_loss < best_val_loss:
            best_epoch = epoch
            best_val_loss = val_loss
            # print("save model")
            if accelerator.is_main_process:
                accelerator.save_model(model, str(output_path) + f'snapshot_epoch_{epoch}')
        #reduced_tensor = accelerator.reduce(process_tensor, reduction="sum")
        elapsed_time = time() - epoch_start
        if accelerator.is_main_process:
                f"[epoch {epoch}] train loss: {total_train_loss: .6f}, val loss: {total_val_loss: .6f}, elapsed_time: {elapsed_time: .3f}")
        if epoch - best_epoch > CFG.es_patience:
            if accelerator.is_main_process:
                print("Early Stopping!")
        train_loss = 0


    #print(f'Accuracy: {100. * correct / len(val_loader.dataset)}')   

When running like this it runs as expected:

import os 


for fold_id in FOLDS[3:]:
    output_path = Path(f"fold{fold_id}")
    notebook_launcher(train_ddp_accelerate, args=(CFG, fold_id, train, output_path), num_processes=3,mixed_precision='fp16')

But when running like this

import os 
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1,2"

for fold_id in FOLDS[3:]:
    output_path = Path(f"fold{fold_id}")
    notebook_launcher(train_ddp_accelerate, args=(CFG, fold_id, train, output_path), num_processes=2,mixed_precision='fp16')

I get

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ProcessRaisedException                    Traceback (most recent call last)
File [~/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/](, in notebook_launcher(function, args, num_processes, mixed_precision, use_port, master_addr, node_rank, num_nodes)
    [199]( try:
--> [200](     start_processes(launcher, args=args, nprocs=num_processes, start_method="fork")
    [201]( except ProcessRaisedException as e:

File [~/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/](, in start_processes(fn, args, nprocs, join, daemon, start_method)
    [196]( # Loop on join until it returns True or raises an exception.
--> [197]( while not context.join():
    [198](     pass

File [~/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/](, in ProcessContext.join(self, timeout)
    [157]( msg += original_trace
--> [158]( raise ProcessRaisedException(msg, error_index,


-- Process 0 terminated with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 315, in _lazy_init
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 183, in _check_capability
    capability = get_device_capability(d)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 439, in get_device_capability
    prop = get_device_properties(device)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 457, in get_device_properties
    return _get_device_properties(device)  # type: ignore[name-defined]
RuntimeError: device >= 0 && device < num_gpus INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1704987288773/work/aten/src/ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.cpp":50, please report a bug to PyTorch. device=2, num_gpus=

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 68, in _wrap
    fn(i, *args)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/utils/", line 570, in __call__
  File "/tmp/ipykernel_1310472/", line 3, in train_ddp_accelerate
    accelerator = Accelerator(mixed_precision='fp16')
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/", line 378, in __init__
    self.state = AcceleratorState(
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/", line 771, in __init__
    PartialState(cpu, **kwargs)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/", line 236, in __init__
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 408, in set_device
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 321, in _lazy_init
    raise DeferredCudaCallError(msg) from e
torch.cuda.DeferredCudaCallError: CUDA call failed lazily at initialization with error: device >= 0 && device < num_gpus INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1704987288773/work/aten/src/ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.cpp":50, please report a bug to PyTorch. device=2, num_gpus=

CUDA call was originally invoked at:

  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/", line 18, in <module>
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/traitlets/config/", line 1075, in launch_instance
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 739, in start
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tornado/platform/", line 195, in start
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 607, in run_forever
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 1922, in _run_once
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 80, in _run, *self._args)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 542, in dispatch_queue
    await self.process_one()
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 531, in process_one
    await dispatch(*args)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 437, in dispatch_shell
    await result
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 359, in execute_request
    await super().execute_request(stream, ident, parent)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 775, in execute_request
    reply_content = await reply_content
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 446, in do_execute
    res = shell.run_cell(
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 549, in run_cell
    return super().run_cell(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3051, in run_cell
    result = self._run_cell(
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3106, in _run_cell
    result = runner(coro)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 129, in _pseudo_sync_runner
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3311, in run_cell_async
    has_raised = await self.run_ast_nodes(code_ast.body, cell_name,
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3493, in run_ast_nodes
    if await self.run_code(code, result, async_=asy):
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3553, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  File "/tmp/ipykernel_1310472/", line 18, in <module>
    import torch
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/", line 1421, in <module>
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 247, in <module>
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 244, in _lazy_call
    _queued_calls.append((callable, traceback.format_stack()))

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[31], [line 6](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=31&line=6)
      [4](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=31&line=4) output_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
      [5](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=31&line=5) print(f"[fold{fold_id}]")
----> [6](vscode-notebook-cell:?execution_count=31&line=6) notebook_launcher(train_ddp_accelerate, args=(CFG, fold_id, train, output_path), num_processes=2,mixed_precision='fp16')

File [~/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/](, in notebook_launcher(function, args, num_processes, mixed_precision, use_port, master_addr, node_rank, num_nodes)
    [203](                 raise RuntimeError(
    [204](                     "CUDA has been initialized before the `notebook_launcher` could create a forked subprocess. "
    [205](                     "This likely stems from an outside import causing issues once the `notebook_launcher()` is called. "
    [206](                     "Please review your imports and test them when running the `notebook_launcher()` to identify "
    [207](                     "which one is problematic and causing CUDA to be initialized."
    [208](                 ) from e
    [209](             else:
--> [210](                 raise RuntimeError(f"An issue was found when launching the training: {e}") from e
    [212]( else:
    [213](     # No need for a distributed launch otherwise as it's either CPU, GPU or MPS.
    [214](     if is_mps_available():

RuntimeError: An issue was found when launching the training: 

-- Process 0 terminated with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 315, in _lazy_init
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 183, in _check_capability
    capability = get_device_capability(d)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 439, in get_device_capability
    prop = get_device_properties(device)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 457, in get_device_properties
    return _get_device_properties(device)  # type: ignore[name-defined]
RuntimeError: device >= 0 && device < num_gpus INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1704987288773/work/aten/src/ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.cpp":50, please report a bug to PyTorch. device=2, num_gpus=

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/multiprocessing/", line 68, in _wrap
    fn(i, *args)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/utils/", line 570, in __call__
  File "/tmp/ipykernel_1310472/", line 3, in train_ddp_accelerate
    accelerator = Accelerator(mixed_precision='fp16')
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/", line 378, in __init__
    self.state = AcceleratorState(
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/", line 771, in __init__
    PartialState(cpu, **kwargs)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/accelerate/", line 236, in __init__
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 408, in set_device
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 321, in _lazy_init
    raise DeferredCudaCallError(msg) from e
torch.cuda.DeferredCudaCallError: CUDA call failed lazily at initialization with error: device >= 0 && device < num_gpus INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1704987288773/work/aten/src/ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.cpp":50, please report a bug to PyTorch. device=2, num_gpus=

CUDA call was originally invoked at:

  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/", line 18, in <module>
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/traitlets/config/", line 1075, in launch_instance
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 739, in start
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tornado/platform/", line 195, in start
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 607, in run_forever
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 1922, in _run_once
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/asyncio/", line 80, in _run, *self._args)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 542, in dispatch_queue
    await self.process_one()
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 531, in process_one
    await dispatch(*args)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 437, in dispatch_shell
    await result
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 359, in execute_request
    await super().execute_request(stream, ident, parent)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 775, in execute_request
    reply_content = await reply_content
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 446, in do_execute
    res = shell.run_cell(
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ipykernel/", line 549, in run_cell
    return super().run_cell(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3051, in run_cell
    result = self._run_cell(
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3106, in _run_cell
    result = runner(coro)
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 129, in _pseudo_sync_runner
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3311, in run_cell_async
    has_raised = await self.run_ast_nodes(code_ast.body, cell_name,
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3493, in run_ast_nodes
    if await self.run_code(code, result, async_=asy):
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/", line 3553, in run_code
    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
  File "/tmp/ipykernel_1310472/", line 18, in <module>
    import torch
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/", line 1421, in <module>
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1147, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 690, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 940, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 247, in <module>
  File "/home/felipe/anaconda3/envs/cuda_12.1/lib/python3.11/site-packages/torch/cuda/", line 244, in _lazy_call
    _queued_calls.append((callable, traceback.format_stack()))

Expected behavior

It runs with 2 GPUs as it does with 3 GPUs and 3 processes

MrRobot2211 avatar Feb 18 '24 04:02 MrRobot2211

Hi @MrRobot2211, could you try to run it without setting os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1,2". I want to check if this is the line that causes the issue. Thanks !

SunMarc avatar Feb 23 '24 16:02 SunMarc

Hello, it does run to completion without setting CUDA visible devices ( it runs on 3 GPUs). If you can point me to a code/tutorial that you are confident should run identically both ways I am happy to try that.

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024, 11:51 Marc Sun @.***> wrote:

Hi @MrRobot2211, could you try to run it without setting os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1,2". I want to check if this is the line that causes the issue. Thanks !

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MrRobot2211 avatar Feb 24 '24 23:02 MrRobot2211

Thanks ! I will investigate why it is happening. If you could share a minimal reproducer, that would help me a lot to fix this issue.

SunMarc avatar Feb 26 '24 16:02 SunMarc

@MrRobot2211 what happens if you set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES before any import to torch/accelerate using os?

IIRC this is needed to happen because torch does some things on import

muellerzr avatar Feb 26 '24 19:02 muellerzr

@muellerzr yeahp that did it thank you. Incidentally I was able to get rid of this os.environ["NCCL_P2P_DISABLE"]="1" by creating a get_dataloader function.

MrRobot2211 avatar Feb 27 '24 02:02 MrRobot2211

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