Whether to merge rtmps?
How do I start? Execute the command `./objs/srs -c conf/rtmps.conf`, correct? `TRANS_BY_GPT4`
rtmps+ opus+h265 has no sound
mode xcodebuild archive -workspace DummyApp.xcworkspace -scheme DummyApp -configuration Debug -archivePath /Users/MYTest/DummyApp-iphoneos.xcarchive -sdk iphoneos ENABLE_BITCODE=NO SKIP_INSTALL=NO ARCHS=arm64 CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO SUPPORTS_MACCATALYST=NO | xcbeautify
> Hi @eakraly, as an expert in running coturn in scale, I have a question related to Kubernetes and coturn if you don't mind. > > I am in the...
多谢帮助解决,现在有个问题是 如果点击通知栏拉不起来主进程跳转activity跳转不过去这个应该怎么办
必现问题,选择wifi界面 退出 再进,退出再进 getQrCode函数
有的 isSetPincode 在log 中式正确的,是否是device的setpinCode未赋值过去 ,"extra":{"isSetPincode":1,"fw_version":"","needVerifyCode":0