terraform-provider-huaweicloud copied to clipboard
autocreate the elb with addon
When I am trying to autocreate the elb by nginx cce addon I am getting below error.
╷ │ Error: error creating CCE add-on: Bad request with: [POST [https://3d019829-8066-11ef-b874-0255ac10003d.cce.***.myhuaweicloud.com/api/v3/addons],](https://3d019829-8066-11ef-b874-0255ac10003d.cce.%2A%2A%2A.myhuaweicloud.com/api/v3/addons],) request_id: 76c298b1a376a44e95bda0e3f930cee4, error message: {"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","code":400,"errorCode":"CCE.03400001","errorMessage":"Invalid request.","error":{"message":"kubernetes.io/elb.id and loadBalancerIP cannot both be empty","code":"SVCSTG.CCE-ADDONMGR.4000002"},"message":"kubernetes.io/elb.id and loadBalancerIP cannot both be empty","reason":"BadRequest"}
How can I have the Here is my terraform code.
+ resource "huaweicloud_cce_addon" "nginx_ingress" {
+ description = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ region = "***"
+ status = (known after apply)
+ template_name = "nginx-ingress"
+ version = "2.6.5"
+ values {
+ basic_json = jsonencode({})
+ custom_json = jsonencode(
+ config = {
+ keep-alive-requests = "100"
+ defaultBackend = {
+ enabled = true
+ defaultBackendService = "backend-service"
+ headers = {}
+ service = {
+ annotations = {
+ "kubernetes.io/elb.autocreate" = jsonencode(
+ available_zone = [
+ "***a",
+ bandwidth_chargemode = "traffic"
+ bandwidth_name = "bandwidth-cce-3d0[198](https://github.com/xxxxx/terraform-hauwei/actions/runs/11141825370/job/30963542038#step:17:199)29-8066-11ef-b874-0255ac10003d"
+ bandwidth_sharetype = "PER"
+ bandwidth_size = 5
+ eip_type = "5_bgp"
+ l4_flavor_name = "L4_flavor.elb.s1.small"
+ name = "dev01-cluster-nlb-public"
+ type = "public"
+ "kubernetes.io/elb.pass-through" = "true"
+ tcp = {}
+ udp = {}
+ flavor_json = jsonencode(
+ description = "An nginx Ingress controller that uses ConfigMap to store the nginx configuration."
+ name = "nginx-ingress"
+ replicas = 1
+ resources = [
+ {
+ limitsCpu = "1000m"
+ limitsMem = "1000Mi"
+ name = "nginx-ingress"
+ requestsCpu = "[200](https://github.com/xxxx/terraform-hauwei/actions/runs/11141825370/job/30963542038#step:17:201)m"
+ requestsMem = "200Mi"