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Robust Reinforcement Learning with the Alternating Training of Learned Adversaries (ATLA) framework
Robust Reinforcement Learning with Alternating Training of Learned Adversaries (ATLA)
This repository contains a reference implementation for alternating training of learned adversaries (ATLA) for robust reinforcement learning against adversarial attacks on state observations.
Our ATLA training procedure can be somewhat analogous to "adversarial training" for supervised learning, but we are based on the state-adversarial Markov decision process (SA-MDP) which characterizes the optimal adversarial attack for RL agents. During training, we learn an adversary along with the agent following the optimal attack formulation. The agent must defeat this strong adversary during training time, thus becomes robust against a wide range of strong attacks during test time. Previous approaches were not based on SA-MDP and used gradient based attack heuristics during training which are not strong enough, and they become vulnerable under strong test time attacks.
Following SA-MDP, we can find the optimal adversarial attack which achieves the lowest possible reward given an agent and an environment by solving a transformed MDP. This can be analogous to the minimal adversarial examples (which can be found via MILP/SMT solvers) in classification problems. In DRL setting, this MDP can be solved using any DRL algorithms such as PPO. We demonstrate that adversarial attacks based on the optimal adversary framework can be significantly stronger than previously proposed stronger attack (see examples below). The optimal attack framework can be useful for evaluating the robustness of RL agents for defense techniques developed in future.
Details on the optimal adversarial attack to RL and the ATLA training framework can be found in our paper:
"Robust Reinforcement Learning on State Observations with Learned Optimal Adversary",
by Huan Zhang (UCLA), Hongge Chen (MIT),
Duane Boning (MIT), and Cho-Jui Hsieh (UCLA) (* Equal contribution)
ICLR 2021. (Paper PDF)
Our code is based on the SA-PPO robust reinforcement learning codebase: huanzhang12/SA_PPO.
Optimal Adversarial Attack and ATLA-PPO Demo
In our paper we first show that we can learn an adversary under the optimal adversarial attack setting in SA-MDP. This allows us to obtain significantly stronger adversaries to attack RL agents: while previous strong attacks can make the agents fail to move, our learned adversary can lead the agent into moving towards the opposite direction, obtaining a large negative reward. Further more, training with this learned strong adversary using our ATLA framework allows the agent to be robust under strong adversarial attacks.
Vanilla PPO No attacks |
Vanilla PPO under Robust Sarsa (RS) attack |
Vanilla PPO under Learned Optimal attack |
Our ATLA-PPO under Learned Optimal attack (strongest attack) |
Ant-v2 | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Episode rewards |
5358 Moving right ➡️ |
63 Not moving 🛑 |
-1141 Moving left ◀️ (opposite to the goal) |
3835 Moving right ➡️ |
HalfCheetah-v2 | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Episode rewards |
7094 Moving right ➡️ |
85 Not moving 🛑 |
-743 Moving left ◀️ (opposite to the goal) |
5250 Moving right ➡️ |
First clone this repository and install necessary Python packages:
git submodule update --init
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt install parallel # Only necessary for running the optimal attack experiments.
cd src # All code files are in the src/ folder
Note that you need to install MuJoCo 1.5 first to use the OpenAI Gym environments. See here for instructions.
Pretrained agents
We release pretrained agents for all settings evaluated in our paper. These
pretrained agents can be found in src/models/atla_release
, with six
subdirectories corresponding to six settings evaluated in our paper. Inside
each folder, you can find agent models (starting with model-
) as well as the
adversary we learned for the optimal adversarial attacks (starting with
). We will show how to load these models in later sections. The
performance of our pretrained agents are reported below. Here we report our
strongest ATLA-PPO (LSTAM + SA-Reg) method and a strong baseline SA-PPO, as
well as vanilla PPO without robust training. We report their natural episode
rewards without attack as well as episode rewards under our proposed optimal
attack. For full results with more baselines please checkout our paper.
Environment | Evaluation | Vanilla PPO | SA-PPO | ATLA-PPO (LSTM + SA-Reg) |
Ant-v2 | No attack | 5687.0 | 4292.1 | 5358.7 |
Strongest Attack | -871.7 | 2511.0 | 3764.5 | |
HalfCheetah-v2 | No attack | 7116.7 | 3631.5 | 6156.5 |
Strongest Attack | -660.5 | 3027.9 | 5058.2 | |
Hopper-v2 | No attack | 3167.3 | 3704.5 | 3291.2 |
Strongest Attack | 636.4 | 1076.3 | 1771.9 | |
Walker2d-v2 | No attack | 4471.7 | 4486.6 | 3841.7 |
Strongest Attack | 1085.5 | 2907.7 | 3662.9 |
Note that reinforcement learning algorithms typically have large variance across training runs. Thus, we repeatedly train each agent configuration 21 times, and rank them with their average cumulative rewards over 50 episodes under the strongest (best) attack (among 6 attacks used). The pretrained agents are the ones with median robustness (median episode reward under the strongest attack) rather than the best ones. When compared to our work, it is important to train each agent repeatedly at least 10 times and report the median agent, rather than the best. Additionally, for robust sarsa (RS) attack and the proposed optimal attack, a large number of attack parameters are searched and we choose the strongest adversary among them. See the section below.
The pretrained agents can be evaluated using
(see the next sections
for more usage details). For example,
# Ant agents.
## Vanilla PPO:
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --deterministic
## SA-PPO:
python --config-path config_ant_sappo_convex.json --load-model models/atla_release/SAPPO/model-sappo-convex-ant.model --deterministic
## Vanilla LSTM:
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo_lstm.json --load-model models/atla_release/LSTM-PPO/model-lstm-ppo-ant.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_ant_atla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-PPO/model-atla-ppo-ant.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_ant_atla_ppo_lstm.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-PPO/model-lstm-atla-ppo-ant.model --deterministic
python --config-path config_ant_atla_lstm_sappo.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-SAPPO/model-atla-lstm-sappo-ant.model --deterministic
Note that the --deterministic switch is important, which disables
stochastic actions for evaluation. You can change ant
to walker
, hopper
or halfcheetah
in the config file names and agent model file names to try
other environments.
Optimal Attack to Deep Reinforcement Learning
Train a Single Optimal Attack Adversary
To run optimal attack, we set --mode
to adv_ppo
and set --ppo-lr-adam
zero. This essentially runs our ATLA training but with the learning rate of
the agent model set to 0, so this will learn the adversary only. The learning rate of
the adversary policy network can be set via --adv-ppo-lr-adam
, the learning
rate of the value network can be set via --adv-val-lr
, the entropy
regularizer of the adversary can be set via --adv-entropy-coeff
, the clipping
epsilon for PPO optimizer for the adversary can be set via --adv-clip-eps
# Note: this is for illustration only. We must correctly choose hyperparameters for the adversary, typically via a hyperparameter search.
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --mode adv_ppo --ppo-lr-adam 0.0 --adv-ppo-lr-adam 3e-5 --adv-val-lr 3e-5 --adv-entropy-coeff 0.0 --adv-clip-eps 0.4
This will save an experiment folder at vanilla_ppo_ant/agents/YOUR_EXP_ID
, where YOUR_EXP_ID
is a randomly generated experiment ID, for example e908a9f3-0616-4385-a256-4cdea5640725
. You can extract the best model from this folder by running
python vanilla_ppo_ant/agents/YOUR_EXP_ID
which will generate an adversary model best_model.YOUR_EXP_ID.model
, for example best_model.e908a9f3.model
Then you can evaluate this trained adversary by running
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --deterministic --attack-method advpolicy --attack-advpolicy-network best_model.YOUR_EXP_ID.model
Finding the Best Optimal Attack Adversary
The above command only trains and tests one adversary using one set of adversary hyperparameters. Since the learning of this optimal adversary is also an RL problem (solved using PPO), to obtain the best attack results and evaluate the true robustness of an agent model, we need to train the adversary using multiple sets of hyperparameters and take the strongest (best) adversary. We provide scripts to easily scan the hyperparameters of the adversary and run each set of hyperparameters in parallel:
cd ../configs
# This will generate 216 config files inside agent_configs_attack_ppo_ant.
# Modify to change the hyperparameters for the grid search.
# Typically, for a different environment you need a different set of hyperparameters for searching.
cd ../src
# This command will run 216 configurations using all available CPUs.
# You can also use "-t " to control the number of threads if you don't want to use all CPUs.
python ../configs/agent_configs_attack_ppo_ant_scan/ --out-dir-prefix=../configs/agents_attack_ppo_ant_scan > attack_ant_scan.log
To test all the optimal attack adversaries after the above training command finishes, simply run the evaluation script:
Note that you will need to change the line starting with with scan_exp_folder
to run evaluation of the learned
optimal attack adversaries for another environment or results in another
folder. You need to change that line to:
scan_exp_folder <config file> <path to trained optimal attack adversarial> <path to the victim agent model> $semaphorename
This script will run adversary evaluation in parallel (the "GNU parallel" tools
are required), and will generate a log file
containing attack results in each
experiment id folder. After the above command finishes, you can use
to parse the logs and get the best (strongest)
attack result with lowest agent reward:
python ../configs/agents_attack_ppo_ant_scan/attack_ppo_ant/agents
If you would like to conduct optimal adversarial attack, it is important to use a hyperparameter search scheme demonstrated above as the attack itself is a RL problem and can be sensitive to hyperparameters. To evaluation the true robustness of an agent, finding the best optimal attack adversary is necessary.
Pretrained Adversaries for All Agents
We provide optimal attack adversaries for all agents we released. To
test a pretrained optimal attack adversary we provide, run
the --attack-advpolicy-network
# Ant Agents.
## Vanilla PPO:
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --deterministic --attack-method advpolicy --attack-advpolicy-network models/atla_release/PPO/attack-ppo-ant.model
## SA-PPO:
python --config-path config_ant_sappo_convex.json --load-model models/atla_release/SAPPO/model-sappo-convex-ant.model --deterministic --attack-method advpolicy --attack-advpolicy-network models/atla_release/SAPPO/attack-sappo-convex-ant.model
## Vanilla LSTM:
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo_lstm.json --load-model models/atla_release/LSTM-PPO/model-lstm-ppo-ant.model --deterministic --attack-method advpolicy --attack-advpolicy-network models/atla_release/LSTM-PPO/attack-lstm-ppo-ant.model
python --config-path config_ant_atla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-PPO/model-atla-ppo-ant.model --deterministic --attack-method advpolicy --attack-advpolicy-network models/atla_release/ATLA-PPO/attack-atla-ppo-ant.model
python --config-path config_ant_atla_ppo_lstm.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-PPO/model-lstm-atla-ppo-ant.model --deterministic --attack-method advpolicy --attack-advpolicy-network models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-PPO/attack-lstm-atla-ppo-ant.model
python --config-path config_ant_atla_lstm_sappo.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-SAPPO/model-atla-lstm-sappo-ant.model --deterministic --attack-method advpolicy --attack-advpolicy-network models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-SAPPO/attack-atla-lstm-sappo-ant.model
You can change ant
to walker
, hopper
or halfcheetah
in the config file
names, agent and adversary model file names to try other environments.
Agent Training with Learned Optimal Adversaries (our ATLA framework)
To train a agent, use
in src
folder and specify a configuration file
path. Several configuration files are provided in the src
folder, with
filenames starting with config
. For example:
Halfcheetah vanilla PPO (MLP) training:
python --config-path config_halfcheetah_vanilla_ppo.json
HalfCheetah vanilla PPO (LSTM) training:
python --config-path config_halfcheetah_vanilla_ppo_lstm.json
HalfCheetah ATLA (MLP) training:
python --config-path config_halfcheetah_atla_ppo.json
HalfCheetah ATLA (LSTM) training:
python --config-path config_halfcheetah_atla_ppo_lstm.json
HalfCheetah ATLA (LSTM) training with state-adversarial regularizer (this is the best method):
python --config-path config_halfcheetah_atla_lstm_sappo.json
Change halfcheetah
to ant
, hopper
or walker
to run other environments.
Training results will be saved to a directory specified by the out_dir
parameter in the json file. For example, for ATLA (LSTM) training with state-adversarial regularizer
it is robust_atla_ppo_lstm_halfcheetah
To allow multiple runs, each experiment is
assigned a unique experiment ID (e.g., 2fd2da2c-fce2-4667-abd5-274b5579043a
which is saved as a folder under out_dir
Then the agent can be evaluated using
. For example:
# Change the --exp-id to match the folder name in robust_atla_ppo_lstm_halfcheetah/agents/
python --config-path config_halfcheetah_atla_lstm_sappo.json --exp-id YOUR_EXP_ID --deterministic
You should expect a cumulative reward (mean over 50 episodes) over 5000 for most methods.
Agent Evaluation Under Attacks
We implemented random attack, critic based attack and our proposed Robust Sarsa (RS) and maximal action difference (MAD) attacks.
Optimal Adversarial Attack
Please see this section for more details on how to run our proposed optimal adversarial attack. This is the strongest attack so far and is strongly recommended for evaluating the robustness of RL defense algorithms.
Robust Sarsa (RS) Attack
In our Robust Sarsa attack, we first learn a robust value function for the policy under evaluation. Then, we attack the policy using this robust value function. The first step for RS attack is to train a robust value function (we use the Ant environment as an example):
# Step 1:
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --sarsa-enable --sarsa-model-path sarsa_ant_vanilla.model
The above training step is usually very fast (e.g., a few minutes). The value
function will be saved in sarsa_ant_vanilla.model
. Then it can be used for
# Step 2:
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --attack-eps=0.15 --attack-method sarsa --attack-sarsa-network sarsa_ant_vanilla.model --deterministic
The L infinity norm for the attack is set by the --attack-eps
parameter (for
different environments, you will need a different epsilon for attack, see Table
2 in our paper). The reported mean reward over 50 episodes should less than
500 (reward without attack is over 5000). In contrast, our ATLA-PPO (LSTM +
SA-Reg) robust agent has a reward of over 4000 even under this specific
# Train a robust value function.
python --config-path config_ant_atla_lstm_sappo.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-SAPPO/model-atla-lstm-sappo-ant.model --sarsa-enable --sarsa-model-path sarsa_ant_atla_lstm_sappo.model
# Attack using the robust value function.
python --config-path config_ant_atla_lstm_sappo.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-SAPPO/model-atla-lstm-sappo-ant.model --attack-eps=0.15 --attack-method sarsa --attack-sarsa-network sarsa_ant_atla_lstm_sappo.model --deterministic
The Robust Sarsa attack has two hyperparameters for robustness regularization
and --sarsa-reg
) to build the robust value function. Although
the default settings generally work well, for a comprehensive robustness
evaluation it is recommended to run Robust Sarsa attack under different
hyperparameters and choose the best attack (the lowest reward) as the final result.
We provide a script,
for the purpose of comprehensive
adversarial evaluation:
# You need to install GNU parall first: sudo apt install parallel
# Usage: scan_attacks model_path config_path output_dir_path
scan_attacks models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json sarsa_ant_vanilla_ppo_result
In this above example, you should see minimum RS attack reward (deterministic action)
reported by the script to be below 300. For your convenience,
script will also run many other attacks including
the MAD attack, critic attack and random attack. Robust sarsa attack
is usually the strongest one among them.
Note: the learning rate of the Sarsa model can be changed by --val-lr
. The
default value should be good for attacks the provided environments (with
normalized reward). However, if you want to use this attack on a different
environment, this learning rate can be important as the reward maybe
unnormalized (some environment returns large rewards so the Q values are
larger, and a larger --val-lr
is needed). The rule of thumb is to always
checking the training logs of these Sarsa models - make sure the Q loss has
been reduced sufficiently (close to 0) at the end of training.
Maximal Action Difference (MAD) Attack
We additionally propose a maximal action difference (MAD) attack where we
attempt to maximize the KL divergence between original action and perturbed
action. It can be invoked by setting --attack-method
to action
. For
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --attack-eps=0.15 --attack-method action --deterministic
The reported mean reward over 50 episodes should be around 1500 (this attack is weaker than the Robust Sarsa attack in this case). In contrast, our ATLA-PPO (LSTM + SA-Reg) robust agent is more resistant to MAD attack, achieving a reward over 5000.
python --config-path config_ant_atla_lstm_sappo.json --load-model models/atla_release/ATLA-LSTM-SAPPO/model-atla-lstm-sappo-ant.model --attack-eps=0.15 --attack-method action --deterministic
We additionally provide a combined attack of RS+MAD, which can be invoked by
setting --attack-method
to sarsa+action
, and the combination ratio can be
set via --attack-sarsa-action-ratio
, a number between 0 and 1.
Critic based attack and random attack
Critic based attack and random attack can be used by setting --attack-method
to critic
and random
, respectively. These attacks are relatively weak and
not suitable for evaluating the robustness of PPO agents.
# Critic based attack (Pattanaik et al.)
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --attack-eps=0.15 --attack-method critic --deterministic
# Random attack (uniform noise)
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --attack-eps=0.15 --attack-method random --deterministic
In this case, under critic or random attack the agent reward is still over 5000, which means that these attacks are not very effective for this specific environment.
Snooping attack
In this repository, we also implemented an imitation learning-based Snooping attack propoased by Inkawhich et al.. In this attack, we first learn a new agent from the policy under evaluation. Then, we use the gradient information of the new agent to attack the original policy. The first step for Snooping attack is to train a new imitation agent by observing ("snooping") how the original agent behaves:
# Step 1:
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --imit-enable --imit-model-path imit_ant_vanilla.model
The above training step is usually very fast (e.g., a few minutes). The new
agent model will be saved in imit_ant_vanilla.model
. Then it is loaded to
conduct the Snooping attack:
# Step 2:
python --config-path config_ant_vanilla_ppo.json --load-model models/atla_release/PPO/model-ppo-ant.model --attack-eps=0.15 --attack-method action+imit --imit-model-path imit_ant_vanilla.model --deterministic
Note that snooping attack is a blackbox attack (does not require the gradient of the agent policy or interaction with the agent), so it is usually weaker than other whitebox attacks. In the above example, it should achieve an average episode reward of roughly 3000.