ok,thank you ! but it can not train, also; ./darknet detector train data/ cfg/mbv2_yolov3_face.cfg -gpus 1,2,3,4 ,it's wrong?
Create 64 permanent cpu-threads or min_batch = * batch = * time_steps = *, it will stop
no ,it will stop again
what's the difference bwtween origin darknet and yours?
it can run at your computer?
can run origin darknet, Alex's ,,, i do not know
error in ./darknet double free or corruption(!prev)
and i want to konw , what's the meaning of -1 in retinaface's landmark?thank you
how about face cut off by picture,for example , only eye is reveal, it's also -1 for all landmark?
Warning: in txt-labels class_id = -1 > = classes = 1 in cfg-file, in txt-labels class_id should be [from 0 to 0]. truth.x = -1.000 ........ when run widerface data,it...