react-native-file-opener copied to clipboard
A React Native module that allows you to open a file (mp3, mp4, pdf, word, excel, dwg etc.) on your device with its default application
React native version 0.49.1 TargetSdk version 28 the component doesn't support higher level target in android
如果targetSdkVersion >= 24, 在Android N设备上使用file://打开文件会崩溃. 应使用content://替代. refer to:
Android打开文件报exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()错误, 由于项目中还使用了rn-fetch-blob和其他的组件,和reawct-native-file-opener中的AndroidMenifest配置provider有点冲突,合并后现在是: AndroidMenifest.xml: provider_paths.xml: 真机:306手机vizza, Android版本:7.1.1 项目环境: OS: Windows 7 Node: 10.8.0 Yarn: 1.9.4 npm: 6.2.0 Watchman: Not Found Xcode: N/A Android Studio: Not Found Packages:...
fix for error: redefinition of 'RCTMethodInfo' typedef struct RCTMethodInfo
This kind of issue I also got earlier with react-native-image-crop-picker recently after .48.0 , they updated library and issue is solved now, similar issue I get with react-native-file-opener too. In...
Updated `` to no longer override the deprecated `createJSModules` method, fixed broken React imports in `RNFileOpener.h` and fixed `CGRectMake` return type.
Fixes #22