FDTemplateLayoutCell.swift icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FDTemplateLayoutCell.swift copied to clipboard

It can be through the Auto layout and Frame layout way to obtain the height of the cell, and you can use the same key or indexpath way to cache the height of the cell

It is translation of the UITableView-FDTemplateLayoutCell by Swift


It can be through the Auto layout and Frame layout way to obtain the height of the cell, and you can use the same key or indexpath way to cache the height of the cell


  • CocoaPods
pod 'FDTemplateLayoutCell'
  • Carthage
github "huangboju/FDTemplateLayoutCell.swift"


  • No cache
  override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
        return tableView.fd_heightForCell(with: "cell") { (cell) in
        // Configure this cell with data, same as what you've done in "-tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:"
        // Like:
        //    cell.data = datas[indexPath.row]
  • IndexPath cache
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
        return tableView.fd_heightForCell(with: "cell", cacheBy: indexPath) { (cell) in
        // Configure this cell with data, same as what you've done in "-tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:"
        // Like:
        //    cell.data = datas[indexPath.row]
  • Key cache
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
        return tableView.fd_heightForCell(with: "cell", cacheByKey: entity.identifier ?? "") { (cell) in
        // Configure this cell with data, same as what you've done in "-tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:"
        // Like:
        //    cell.data = datas[indexPath.row]

Frame layout mode

FDTemplateLayoutCell.swift offers 2 modes for asking cell's height.

  • Auto layout mode using "-systemLayoutSizeFittingSize:"
  • Frame layout mode using "-sizeThatFits:"

You can use this API change mode for asking cell's height,default is true, because use "frame layout" rather than "auto layout".

cell.fd_usingFrameLayout = false

And if you're using frame layout mode, you must override func sizeThatFits(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize in your customized cell and return content view's height (separator excluded)

    override func sizeThatFits(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize {
        return CGSize(width: size.width, height: h1 + h2 + ... + hn)

Debug log

Debug log helps to debug or inspect what is this "FDTemplateLayoutCell.swift" extention doing, turning on to print logs when "calculating", "precaching" or "hitting cache".Default to "false", log by "print".

tableView.fd_debugLogEnabled = true

It will print like this:

** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 17] - 123.5
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 18] - 237.5
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 18] - 237.5
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 19] - 159.5
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 19] - 159.5
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 20] - 262.0
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 20] - 262.0
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 21] - 288.0
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 21] - 288.0
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 22] - 299.0
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 22] - 299.0
** FDTemplateLayoutCell ** hit cache by index path[0, 23] - 176.5

About self-satisfied cell

a fully self-satisfied cell is constrainted by auto layout and each edge("top", "left", "bottom", "right") has at least one layout constraint against it. It's the same concept introduced as "self-sizing cell" in iOS8 using auto layout.

A bad one :( - missing right and bottom non-self-satisfied

A good one :)


A template layout cell is created by dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: <#T##String#>) method, it means that you MUST have registered this cell reuse identifier by one of:

  • A prototype cell of UITableView in storyboard.
  • Use register(UINib, forCellReuseIdentifier: String)
  • Use register(AnyClass, forCellReuseIdentifier: String)


If you find an issue, just open a ticket. Pull requests are warmly welcome as well.


FDTemplateLayoutCell.swift is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.