ECCV2018_CrossNet_RefSR copied to clipboard
How to test(how to edit code for testing)
Hi, I am really interested with your network. I already trained your network with several datasets, and now i want to test the image with checkpoint file. However, i am not sure how to test image. I found that there are some lines for testing in '' and I tried to uncomment such lines, but i don't know which lines should or should not be uncommented for testing. I really appreciate if you guide me how to test image with trained model.
Really sorry for the late reply! You could load the checkpoint file by
then call the model forward function for predicting output.
output1, output2, ... = model(input1, input2,...)
Some reference can be found here
Hi,can you tell me how to test an image? I have loaded the pth.THANKS.
I'm really appreciate with your reply. thanks . but i'm still confused...
you mean modify code like this?
net.load_state_dict(torch.load('/mnt/ECCV2018_CrossNet_RefSR/checkpoints_charbonnier_3/CP65000.pth')) #Then call the model forward function for predicting output... output1= MultiscaleWarpingNet(input1)
i'm confused about following part
then call the model forward function for predicting output. output1, output2, ... = model(input1, input2,...)
What should i put in the input1? the buff? buff_val? In addition, you uncomment some lines like below, but i don't know what to uncomment if i want to test image.
#buff_val = dataset_test.nextBatch_new(batchsize=config['batch_size'], shuffle=True, view_mode = 'Random', augmentation = False, offset_augmentation=config['data_displacement_augmentation'], crop_shape = config['train_data_crop_shape'])
#val_img1_LR = buff_val['input_img1_LR']
#val_img2_HR = buff_val['input_img2_HR']
#val_img = np.concatenate((val_img1_LR,val_img2_HR),axis = 1)
#val_label_img = buff['input_img1_HR']
#val_img = torch.from_numpy(val_img)
#val_img = val_img.cuda()
#with torch.no_grad():
# val_pred = net(val_img)
# val_pred_npy = val_pred.cpu().numpy()
# psnr_ = 0
# for i in range(val_pred_npy.shape[0]):
# psnr_ += psnr(val_pred_npy[i],val_label_img[i]) / val_pred_npy.shape[0]
#print (i,psnr(val_pred_npy[i],val_label_img[i]))
Or can you give me the example of testing code?