htty icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
htty copied to clipboard

xterm colors do not render on Windows or MinGWin32

Open njonsson opened this issue 13 years ago • 3 comments

The escape sequences show as text rather than by affecting colors as expected.

njonsson avatar Sep 06 '10 20:09 njonsson

If you have Windows 2000, XP or later get ansicon:


Actually I reckon A+ for ansicon -- Use

  • ansicon.exe -I

Installs it as a filter on your CMD.exe sessions. Works a treat with HTTY.


aplatypus avatar Sep 14 '10 14:09 aplatypus

This is cool. I had not heard of ANSICON before. I'll try it out on Windows 7 and add it to readme instructions (possibly even an htty runtime message on Windows).

njonsson avatar Sep 14 '10 14:09 njonsson

found it on Stackoverflow ;-)

aplatypus avatar Sep 18 '10 10:09 aplatypus

I use Ansicon (love it!) on Windows XP 64-bit but the HTTY escape codes still don't work for me:

 // prompt is not colored; attempt colored prompt with escape codes

C:> set PROMPT=$E[0;36m$P$E[36;1m$G$E[0m$S ←[0;36mC:\←[36;1m>←[0m

// SUCCESS: ugly prompt (as expected); launch ansicon to enable escape codes

←[0;36mC:\←[36;1m>←[0m ansicon

Microsoft Windows Version 5.2.3790 Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.


 // SUCCESS: prompt appears blue; now run htty

C:> htty arareqc *** Welcome to ←[1m←[41m←[1;33m htty ←[0m, the ←[1mHTTP TTY←[0m. Heck To The Yeah!

// FAIL: escapes not working as expected, quit htty

←[1mhttp://arareqc/←[0m> quit *** Happy Trails To You!

// SUCCESS, prompt is blue, exit Ansicon


// SUCCESS: ugly prompt (as expected)


jwfearn avatar Mar 25 '11 23:03 jwfearn