frida-interception-and-unpinning copied to clipboard
frida cant break ssl pinning on spotify apk
all logs with debug-mode on
C:\Users\emrovsky\Downloads\test>frida -U -l config.js -l frida-script.js -f
/ _ | Frida 16.1.11 - A world-class dynamic instrumentation toolkit
| (| |
> _ | Commands:
// |_| help -> Displays the help system
. . . . object? -> Display information about 'object'
. . . . exit/quit -> Exit
. . . .
. . . . More info at
. . . .
. . . . Connected to M2101K6G (id=
*** Starting scripts ***
. Resuming main thread!
[ ]-> ---
Unpinning Android app...
[+] SSLPeerUnverifiedException auto-patcher
[+] HttpsURLConnection (setDefaultHostnameVerifier)
[+] HttpsURLConnection (setSSLSocketFactory)
[+] HttpsURLConnection (setHostnameVerifier)
[+] SSLContext
[+] TrustManagerImpl
[ ] OkHTTPv3 (list)
[ ] OkHTTPv3 (cert)
[ ] OkHTTPv3 (cert array)
[ ] OkHTTPv3 ($okhttp)
[ ] Trustkit OkHostnameVerifier(SSLSession)
[ ] Trustkit OkHostnameVerifier(cert)
[ ] Trustkit PinningTrustManager
[ ] Appcelerator PinningTrustManager
[ ] OpenSSLSocketImpl Conscrypt
[ ] OpenSSLEngineSocketImpl Conscrypt
[ ] OpenSSLSocketImpl Apache Harmony
[ ] PhoneGap sslCertificateChecker
[ ] IBM MobileFirst pinTrustedCertificatePublicKey (string)
[ ] IBM MobileFirst pinTrustedCertificatePublicKey (string array)
[ ] IBM WorkLight HostNameVerifierWithCertificatePinning (SSLSocket)
[ ] IBM WorkLight HostNameVerifierWithCertificatePinning (cert)
[ ] IBM WorkLight HostNameVerifierWithCertificatePinning (string string)
[ ] IBM WorkLight HostNameVerifierWithCertificatePinning (SSLSession)
[ ] Conscrypt CertPinManager
[ ] CWAC-Netsecurity CertPinManager
[ ] Worklight Androidgap WLCertificatePinningPlugin
[ ] Netty FingerprintTrustManagerFactory
[ ] Squareup CertificatePinner (cert)
[ ] Squareup CertificatePinner (list)
[ ] Squareup OkHostnameVerifier (cert)
[ ] Squareup OkHostnameVerifier (SSLSession)
[+] Android WebViewClient (SslErrorHandler)
[ ] Android WebViewClient (WebResourceError)
[ ] Apache Cordova WebViewClient
[ ] Boye AbstractVerifier
[ ] Appmattus (CertificateTransparencyInterceptor)
[ ] Appmattus (CertificateTransparencyTrustManager)
Unpinning setup completed
*** Scripts completed ***
--> Bypassing Trustmanager (Android < 7) request --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing Trustmanager (Android < 7) request --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted --> Bypassing TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted