postman2case copied to clipboard
UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode chinese
- OS:Windows
- Python 3.6
- HttpRunner 2.0 when the request contains chinese, I got the error massege as following. how can I fix it?
Traceback (most recent call last): UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 17-18: Body ('上海') is not valid Latin-1. Use body.encode('utf-8') if you want to send it encoded in UTF-8.
Ran 1 test in 0.004s
@debugtalk can you hava a look at this question,thx
The testcases are genereated by postman2case, and I find the solution by update in postman2case. location: postman2case/ solution: add "body = json.loads(body, encoding='utf-8')" and change "request["data"] = body" to "request["json"] = body" . now, the question is solved.
def parse_each_item(self, item):
""" parse each item in postman to testcase in httprunner
api = {}
api["name"] = item["name"]
api["validate"] = [{"check": "status_code", "comparator": "eq", "expect": 200},{"eq": ["content.ResponseStatus.Ack", "Success"]}]
api["variables"] = []
request = {}
request["method"] = item["request"]["method"]
url = self.parse_url(item["request"]["url"])
if request["method"] == "GET":
request["url"] = url.split("?")[0]
request["headers"] = self.parse_header(item["request"]["header"])
body = {}
if "query" in item["request"]["url"].keys():
for query in item["request"]["url"]["query"]:
api["variables"].append({query["key"]: parse_value_from_type(query["value"])})
body[query["key"]] = "$"+query["key"]
request["params"] = body
request["url"] = url
request["headers"] = self.parse_header(item["request"]["header"])
body = {}
if item["request"]["body"] != {}:
mode = item["request"]["body"]["mode"]
if isinstance(item["request"]["body"][mode], list):
for param in item["request"]["body"][mode]:
if param["type"] == "text":
api["variables"].append({param["key"]: parse_value_from_type(param["value"])})
api["variables"].append({param["key"]: parse_value_from_type(param["src"])})
body[param["key"]] = "$"+param["key"]
elif isinstance(item["request"]["body"][mode], str):
body = item["request"]["body"][mode]
body = json.loads(body, encoding='utf-8')
request["json"] = body
api["request"] = request
return api