nipe copied to clipboard
Can I use this script in termux?
Please tell me how to use this termux
Ok first do pkg install neofetch Then type neofetch
For you to use Nipe on termux you Will need 3 things.
Perl. Iptables. And tot.
Perl.can be installed trough pkg install Perl.
For iptables and tor you Will need to add a repo to your source.list
Be strict on those. We don't want malware.
Hope this somehow helps
Hi @MRFOX777, Did you succeed in using Nipe in Termux? The tips of @Idlefase are correct, you just need to do what he said earlier.
Did you succeed in using Nipe in Termux? I'm trying to set dependencies for Nipe in Termux. To run this command $ sudo cpan install Try::Tiny Config::Simple JSON perform the following: first enter 'tsu', then 'cpan install Try::Tiny Config::Simple JSON'. But when the command appears 'running make install for ETHER/Try-Tiny-0.30.tar.gz' writes '~/.../build/Try-Tiny-0.30-1' and does nothing further.
┌─[root@localhost]─[~/nipe] └──╼ #perl start iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied iptables: Failed to initialize nft: Permission denied
Hi, Root your device first.