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Twin-Hex Cipher Encoder/Decoder


Twin-Hex Cipher Encoder/Decoder

    _______         ___________       .__
    \   _  \ ___  __\__    ___/_  _  _|__| ____
    /  /_\  \\  \/  / |    |  \ \/ \/ /  |/    \
    \  \_/   \>    <  |    |   \     /|  |   |  \
     \_____  /__/\_ \ |____|    \/\_/ |__|___|  /
           \/      \/                         \/
          Twin-Hex Cipher Encoder/Decoder

usage: twin_cipher.py [-h] [-d] [-e] [text]

  -d, --decode  Decode Twin-Hex
  -e, --encode  Encode to Twin-Hex

What is Twin-Hex Cipher:

In Twin-Hex Cipher, the original text gets converted into two characters at a time. I know nothing more. Check out their website



Simply clone the repository. Only python should be installed in your system.

$ git clone https://github.com/htr-tech/0xTwin
$ cd 0xTwin

# For encoding text
$ python twin_cipher.py -e "FLAG{THIS_IS_TWIN_CIPHER}"

# For decoding ciphertext
$ python twin_cipher.py -d "2uk2h36s42zt3tr32r4pg43t3gf2mh3l42s26w0"

Why this Github Repo??

Recently i have been participating in some CTFs. In one event I got this cipher & there was no decoder available on Github.

So, I just translated the functions from calcresult.com in python for offline usage.

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