Hartmut Goebel

Results 89 comments of Hartmut Goebel

@crmchan *This* ticket is about "Add file exist check for compile_py_files". Stop mixing issues! This does *not* help solving any of them. Even if for you they look related, they...

After calming down, the solution seem to be simple: > But no folder "html5lib-1.0.1-py3.6.egg" instead of only signal file name "html5lib-1.0.1-py3.6.egg"(egg file) existing , while we found the folder "html5lib-1.0.1-py3.6.egg"...

@tallforasmurf > However, `open dist/test1.app` produces an immediate termination. So not even the first dialog is showing up? This would mean that the app is crashing early. > `except error...

So the root caase is: In OSX, an app started with `open dist/test1.app` has `/` as its current working directory. Right? I assume, `open dist/test1.app` is like when started via...

@bwoodsend Thanks for linking these issues!

I incorporated the upstream test-suite (see https://github.com/htgoebel/pyinstaller/tree/WIP-modulegraph-test-suite) and found two relevant differences in how PyInstallers modulegraph behaves: 1. PyInstaller's `_load_tail` raises an ImportError if `_safe_import_module` did return None, whereas the...

Bootloaders are build using the virtual machines defined in bootloadre/Vagrantfile. So any supported operating system needs to go there. Anyhow, I'm quite sceptical whether we actually should deliver more operating...

> Is this possible No, this is not supported.

Many thanks for you detailed analysis - which is much better any most other bug reports. Now, this is a tricky one :-) 1. The bootloader is not executing `sh`,...