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how to migrate these dockers to other host ?
I had installed taigadocker on one host, but now I need migrate them to a new host, what should I do ?
I meet the same problem.
there are two methods, one, do a new install & migrate, or 2, commit container, save image, then load image on new hosts.
method 1, new install and migrate(i think this is the simplest way):
1,export db 'taiga' from postgresql, user is taiga and password is password just as in taiga.yml
#pg_dumpall -Utaiga > taiga.sql
2, backup directores media and static on taiga-back container
3, reinstall taiga dockers
4, restore media and static directories and import taiga.sql
method 2, save images and re-load images: 1, docker commit and save docket taiga-front and taiga-back 2, docker save docker-front and docker-back 3, move images to new hosts 4, docker load images and create containers
docker run -it --name postgres postgres /bin/bash
docker run --name taiga-back --expose 8000 --link postgres:postgres taigadocker_taigaback:backup /usr/local/taiga/start
docker run -p 80:80 --expose 80 --expose 554 --name taiga-front --link taiga-back:taigaback --volumes-from taiga-back taigadocker_taigafront:backup /usr/local/taiga/start
-- by the way ,now taiga 3.0 has been released, so, i think you need upgrade, see Dockerfile of taiga-back and taiga-front, you will see how to do BUT, do remember run manage.py loaddata initial_project_templates --traceback on taiga-back container after you upgrade, otherwise you will failed when you create new projects.