PointWeb copied to clipboard
PointWeb: Enhancing Local Neighborhood Features for Point Cloud Processing, CVPR2019.
when i run python setup.py install command, i meet this error: error: command 'E:\\vc2017\\VC\\Tools\\MSVC\\14.16.27023\\bin\\HostX86\\x64\\link.exe' failed with exit status 1120
I tried to build a classification network based on the code in pointweb segment, use the same setting provided by the paper, while what I got on the test case...
File "/home/user/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/cpp_extension.py", line 1555, in _run_ninja_build raise RuntimeError(message) from e RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension
When I try to run `sh tool/train.sh s3dis pointweb`, I get the following error: ``` [2020-02-06 23:16:49,255 INFO train.py line 65 10012] arch: pointweb_seg base_lr: 0.05 block_size: 1.0 classes: 13...
I modified it according to the method mentioned in the paper,but get a bad result. could you provide the code of classification model which accuracy reach 92%
I am interested in this paper.I hope you can provide the model of ModelNer40.Thank you very much.
There is no 'val5_full.txt' required by 's3dis_pointweb.yaml' in the provided data and what are the 'train5.txt' and 'val6.txt' used for? Besides, how can I test the 6-folds cross validation?
Hi, I wish to know is it possible to train PointWeb on Scannet with only 2 GPUs (RTX 2080, each with ~8000MB memory)? Should people make changes somewhere in the...
Thanks for your sharing! I wonder hwo you determine the final results. Were you using the model trained in the last epoch to test or test in each epoch and...