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HBaseNet copied to clipboard

CSharp client for HBase.


NuGet Badge

This is a pure CSharp client for HBase.

Supported Versions

HBase >= 1.0

Example Usage

Create a client

var ZkQuorum = "zooKeep-host-ip";
var admin = await new AdminClient(ZkQuorum).Build();
if (admin == null) return;
var client = await new StandardClient(ZkQuorum).Build();
if (client == null) return;

Admin operation

var table = "student";
var cols = new[]
    new ColumnFamily("info")
        Compression = Compression.GZ,
        KeepDeletedCells = KeepDeletedCells.TRUE
    new ColumnFamily("special")
        Compression = Compression.GZ,
        KeepDeletedCells = KeepDeletedCells.TTL,
        DataBlockEncoding = DataBlockEncoding.PREFIX
var create = new CreateTableCall(table, cols)
    SplitKeys = new[] { "0", "5" }
var listTable = new ListTableNamesCall();
var disable = new DisableTableCall(table);
var delete = new DeleteTableCall(table);

var ct = await admin.CreateTable(create);

var tables = await admin.ListTableNames(listTable);

var dt = await admin.DisableTable(disable);

var del = await admin.DeleteTable(delete);

Generally operation

var table = "student";

// put
var rowKey = "123";
var values = new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string,byte[]>>
        "default", new Dictionary<string, byte[]>
            {"key", "value".ToUtf8Bytes()}
var rs = await client.Put(new MutateCall(table, rowKey, values));

// scan
var sc = new ScanCall(table, "1", "")
    NumberOfRows = 100000
using var scanner = client.Scan(sc);
var scanResults = new List<Result>();
while (scanner.CanContinueNext)
    var per = await scanner.Next();
    if (true != per?.Any()) continue;

// get
var getResult = await client.Get(new GetCall(table, rowKey));

// delete
var delResult = await client.Delete(new MutateCall(table, rowKey, null));

Use conversion tools

public class Student
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }
    public float Score { get; set; }
    public bool? IsMarried { get; set; }
    public DateTime Create { get; set; }
    [HBaseProperty(family: "special")]
    public DateTime? Modify { get; set; }
    public List<string> Courses { get; set; }

var convertCache = new ConvertCache().BuildCache<Student>(EndianBitConverter.BigEndian);

var student = new Student
    Name = "Anna",
    Age = 20,
    Address = "Yuxi, China",
    Score = 99,
    IsMarried = true,
    Create = DateTime.Now,
    Courses = new List<string> { "Mathematics", "physics", "art" }

//object convert to values 
var values = HBaseConvert.Instance.ConvertToDictionary(student, convertCache);
  var rs = await client.Put(new MutateCall(Program.Table, rowKey, values));

//scan result convert to object of student
using var scanner = client.Scan(sc);
var scanResults = new List<Student>();
while (scanner.CanContinueNext)
    var per = await scanner.Next();
    if (true != per?.Any()) continue;
    var stus = HBaseConvert.Instance.ConvertToCustom<Student>(per, convertCache);

You can also refer to the "Samples/HBaseNet.Console" project.