razer-mouse-battery-windows icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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A Python script that shows the battery level of a Razer Mamba Wireless mouse (or other Razer mouse with modification) as a tray notification in Windows. By using the Task Scheduler, the tray notificat...

Mamba Wireless Battery Indicator


Notification Screenshot
This is a script for Windows written in Python 3.10 that gets the battery level of a Razer Mamba Wireless and shows a tray notification.
Combining with the Task Scheduler, the notification can be regularly shown with self-defined interval (the default is a notification every 15 minutes).


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Go to the website of libusb to download the Latest Windows Binaries
  3. In the .7z file downloaded, extract \VS2019\MS64\dll\libusb-1.0.dll to C:\Windows\System32 and \VS2019\MS32\dll\libusb-1.0.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64
  4. If you can run PowerShell script on your system, run . .\mamba.ps1 in a PowerShell inside the directory
  5. Input a time interval in minutes, or press Enter for the default of 15 minutes when prompted
  • The script installs the needed Python packages and sets up the scheduled tasks with a 15-minute time interval

If you cannot/do not want to run the PowerShell script

  1. Run the PowerShell script, then run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt inside the directory
  2. Go to Task Scheduler by searching in the start menu
  3. In the Actions menu on the right hand side, click Create Task...
  4. Enter a name and a description as you like
  5. Go to Actions and click New...
  6. Enter the details in the dialog box that appears:
Field To Enter Example
Program/script: \path\to\pythonw.exe C:\Python310\pythonw.exe
Add arguments (optional): mamba.pyw mamba.pyw
Start in (optional): the path that you put mamba.pyw the directory that you cloned this repo
  1. Go to Triggers and click New...
  2. Enter the details in the dialog box that appears:
Field To Enter Example
Repeat task every: enable; the notification would appear every x minutes 15 minutes = 1 notification every 15 minutes
for a duration of: Indefinitely
  1. Click OK, done! Now the notification would appear every 15 minutes (or the time interval that you choose)


This script is written by looking into OpenRazer, a GNU/Linux driver for controlling razer devices.
Also, I have referenced the blog post and the script by Roland Smith in the process of writing this script.

How to adapt the Python script for your Razer device

Warning: This process may brick your device (although my mouse did not). TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK!
To adapt the script for your Razer mouse, follow the steps below:

  1. Get the PIDs of your mouse in both the wireless and wired mode

Go to Device Manager -> Find your mouse -> Right click -> Properties -> Details -> Hardware Ids -> Repeat in the other state

  • e.g., in wireless state, the entries of Hardware Ids contain VID_1532&PID_0072, then 0x0072 is the PID of my mouse in the wireless state
  • In wired state, the entries contain VID_1532&PID_0073, then 0x0073 is the PID of my mouse in the wired state
  1. git clone https://github.com/openrazer/openrazer.git
  2. Look at openrazer/driver/razermouse_driver.c in the cloned repository
  3. Search for battery in the .c file to find the function razer_attr_read_charge_level
  4. If the name of your mouse appears inside the switch statement, write down the transaction_id.id
  • e.g., I see USB_DEVICE_ID_RAZER_MAMBA_WIRELESS_RECEIVER inside the switch statement, so the transaction_id.id for my mouse is 0x3f
  • If you do not see your mouse name inside, then the transaction_id.id is 0xff
  1. Open mamba.pyw and change the values of WIRELESS_RECEIVER, WIRELESS_WIRED and TRAN_ID according to your findings above
  2. Done!


If the script is not working, you could try the following steps:

  • Turn off Focus Assist in the action center, accessed by the dialog button on the bottom right corner of the taskbar
  • Try a different USB port
  • Uninstall any WinUSB driver (upper filter) that you have installed
  • Try closing Razer Synapse
  • Try uninstalling the driver of your mouse in Device Manager, and then replug the USB receiver
  • If the mouse is not responsive after executing the script, replug usb receiver should solve the problem


GNU General Public License v2.0