SafeMediaPlayer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SafeMediaPlayer copied to clipboard

a wrap for MediaPlayer to make it easy and safe to use


a wrap for MediaPlayer to make it easy and safe to use


  • only one java class + two interfaces
  • no need to care about the state
  • no crash any more
  • automatically handle the OnAudioFocusChangeListener and headset/bluetooth plug out event



manager =  AudioPlayerManager.get(appcontext);
manager.setDataSource(url1)// for audio ,the datasource class type is string
		.setStartPosition(60000)//start playing at 60s

action/method of AudioPlayerManager

the method is safe to invoke ,no need to wory about the state of MediaPlayer

void start(); 
void start(Object dataSource);// when change the audio source
void pause();
void resume();
void stop();
void seekTo(int duration);
void release();//release the mediaplayer ,but remains the AudioPlayerManager
void releaseEveryThing();//release the mediaplayer and the AudioPlayerManager instance, and unregisterHeadsetPlugReceiver.


dataSource : to identify the callback if in listview

AudioPlayerManager : pass through the object for convienent useage

void onPreparing(Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);
void onPlaying(Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);
void onPause(Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);
void onCompletion(Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);
void onStop(Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);
void onError(String msg,Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);
void onRelease(Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);

void onGetMaxDuration(int maxDuration);
void onProgress(int progress, Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);
void onSeeking(Object dataSource, AudioPlayerManager manager);
void onBufferingUpdate(int percent, AudioPlayerManager manager);



Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url "" }

Step 2. Add the dependency

    dependencies {
            compile 'com.github.hss01248:SafeMediaPlayer:lastest release'

lastest release:

