vscode-glsllint copied to clipboard
VSCode extension to lint GLSL shading language files
GLSL Linting for Visual Studio Code
This extension supports linting of GLS (OpenGL Shading Language). It uses the OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader validator Every shader type which is supported by the glslangValidator can be validated.
- Linting GLSL Shader files
- Supporting glslify
- Linting Shader code in string literals
- Visual Studio Code 1.34.0
- The Shader languages support for VS Code extension
- The OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader validator
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
All settings are prefixed with glsllint.
Setting | Default | Description |
glslangValidatorPath |
"" |
The path to the glslangValidator executable, let it empty when have it in $PATH |
glslangValidatorArgs |
"" |
Arguments for the glslangValidator executable (e.g: using -V for vulkan shaders) |
additionalStageAssociations |
{} |
Additonal file extension -> glslangValidator stage mapping. Format: {".EXT": "STAGEID"} , example see below |
fallBackStage |
"" |
Fallback stage for when the shader stage could not be decuted, see Available stages below |
supportedLangsWithStringLiterals |
["javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "elm" ] |
VSCode language id's to support for string literal validation |
linkShader |
true |
Link all input files together to form a single module ('-l' option for glslangValidator, used for includes) |
useIncludeDirOfFile |
true |
Add -I[DIR_OF_FILE] to the glslangValidator command |
languageSettings.[LANGID] |
see below | Settings per language VScode language ID, there are built in configurations for JS, JSX, TS, TSX and ELM. |
glslifyPattern |
#pragma glslify: |
Regex pattern for glslify pragma |
glslifyAutoOpenOnError |
true |
Opens the glslified code when there is a linting error |
glslifyOptions.basedir |
"" |
Specify the base directory for glslify.compile() |
glslifyUseCurrentFileAsBasedir |
false |
Use the current file as the base directory for glslify (only if glslifyOptions.basedir is not set) |
additionalStageAssociations example
"glsllint.additionalStageAssociations": {
".fs": "frag",
".vs": "vert"
Built-in mappings:
".vert": "vert", // for a vertex shader
".vs": "vert", // for a vertex shader
".frag": "frag", // for a fragment shader
".fs": "frag", // for a fragment shader
".gs": "geom", // for a geometry shader
".geom": "geom", // for a geometry shader
".comp": "comp", // for a compute shader
".tesc": "tesc", // for a tessellation control shader
".tese": "tese", // for a tessellation evaluation shader
".rgen": "rgen", // for a ray generation shader
".rint": "rint", // for a ray intersection shader
".rahit": "rahit", // for a ray any hit shader
".rchit": "rchit", // for a ray closest shader
".rmiss": "rmiss", // for a ray miss shader
".rcall": "rcall", // for a ray callable shader
".mesh": "mesh", // for a mesh shader
".task": "task" // for a task shader
Available stages:
["vert", "frag", "geom", "comp", "tesc", "tese", "rgen", "rint", "rahit", "rchit", "rmiss", "rcall", "mesh", "task"]
languageSettings notation
"glsllint.languageSettings": {
"parser": "TSAST|REGEX",
"patternStart": "[START_REGEX_PATTERN]", // only used when parser: REGEX
"patternEnd": "[END_REGEX_PATTERN]" // only used when parser: REGEX
languageSettings default
"glsllint.languageSettings": {
"javascript": {
"parser": "TSAST"
"javascriptreact": {
"parser": "TSAST"
"typescript": {
"parser": "TSAST"
"typescriptreact": {
"parser": "TSAST"
"elm": {
"parser": "REGEX",
"patternStart": "\\[glsl",
"patternEnd": "\\|\\]"
Shader code in string literals
- This is supported in .js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx
- Just write the shader code in string literals either single/double qoutes or backticks (no expression interpolation yet!)
- The stage is tried to detected automatically, if this fails then just put a #pragma into the shader string literal code:
#pragma vscode_glsllint_stage : STAGE
const shader_code = `
#version 460 core
#pragma vscode_glsllint_stage : frag //pragma to set STAGE to 'frag'
out vec4 FragColor;
in vec4 color;
void main(void) {
FragColor = color;