Shreeshail Hingane
Shreeshail Hingane
Is there existing text on the logic behind the conversion from cartesian co-ordinates to joint 3D rotation, which served as the source for this code? Or was the logic figured...
Does the code have functionality to perform 3D avatar animation (like [this]( I only see landmark points being animated (stick figure style) in the GitHub page.
Has HybrIK been tested against the SoTA 3D pose and shape estimation methods that work on the SMPLX body model (Ex: [PIXIE](, [SMPLify-X]( Since compared to the SMPL body model,...
In the figure under the **Expressive 3D body reconstruction** section in the `README`, the final (i.e. the rightmost) image has a model with clothing. How was this achieved?
What is the easiest way to get the output of PIXIE on avatars that are clothed and have a skin-colored body mesh? Note that it suffices to have some fixed...
I ran the trained PIXIE model on a sign-language video to test its capability on animating complex hand and finger movements (see attached video: the video has 3 signs. The...
I took the `smplx_texture_m_alb.png` texture image file (see image below) from the `SMPLX Blender Add-On`. I wanted to add texture to the SMPLX mesh using this image outside of Blender....
Both the questions below are wrt the SMPLX Blender add-on. 1] What is the format of *.pkl file that Load Pose expects? I tried passing it the .pkl parameter file...
I am using the SMPL-X blender add-on. It has the option of setting texture value from among multiple options: male, female, rainbow etc. First of all, I wanted to confirm...
I have a SMPL mesh whose vertices have been modified by a displacement map representing clothing on top of the template SMPL pose. As mentioned [here](, when converting to a...