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Visualization of Natural Language Processing for React


Visualization of Natural Language Processing for React


npm install react-nlp


import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { View } from "react-nlp";


Properties of View Component

Property Type Optional Default Description
types Array No - Annotation type list
data Array No - Text and annotation data
relations Array Yes - Relation list
colors Object Yes - Color map for annotation labels
linum boolean Yes true If true, show line numbers
lineBreak boolean Yes true If true, enable line break
keepWhiteSpaces boolean Yes false If true, show multiple consecutive whitespace
theme Object Yes - Override the defaultTheme


The types is an array of annotation type to show.

The annotations are shown in the order of types.


["wiki", "ne", "pos"]


The data is an array of the object consists of a text and annotation data .

Property Type Optional Description
data[].text string No Text
data[].anno Array No Annotation data for the text
data[].anno[][0] string No Annotation type
data[].anno[][1] number No Start index of the text to annotate
data[].anno[][2] number No End index of the text to annotate
data[].anno[][3] string No Annotation label


    text: "Darth Vador, also known as Anakin Skywalker is a fictional character.",
    anno: [
      ["wiki", 0, 10, "Darth_Vador"],
      ["wiki", 27, 41, "Darth_Vador"],
      ["ne", 0, 10, "PERSON"],
      ["ne", 27, 41, "PERSON"],
      ["pos", 0, 4, "NNP"],
      ["pos", 6, 10, "NNP"],
      ["pos", 11, 11, ","]
    text: "He is originally a good person, but",
    anno: [
      ["pos", 0, 1, "PRP"],
      ["pos", 3, 4, "VBZ"],
      ["pos", 6, 15, "RB"],
      ["pos", 17, 17, "DT"],


The relations is a list of relation of annotations.

Property Type Optional Description
realations[][0] string No Type of relation
tt: tail-tail relation (-)
ht: head-tail relation (←)
th: tail-head relation (→)
hh: head-head relation (↔)
realations[][1] number No First sentence index
realations[][2] number No First span index
realations[][3] number No Second sentence index
realations[][4] number No Second span index
realations[][5] string No Relation label


  ["hh", 0, 0, 0, 1, "rel_label1"],
  ["ht", 0, 0, 0, 2, "rel_label2"],
  ["tt", 0, 0, 1, 0, "rel_label3"],
  ["hh", 0, 0, 1, 7, "rel_label4"]


The colors is a map for colors for annotation labels.


  "wiki": {
    "Darth_Vador": "gray"
  "ne": {
    "PERSON": "yellow"
  "pos": {
    ",": "#84b62b"


Property Type Default Description
fontSize string|number 14 text font size
borderStyle number 1 0: none, 1: full, 2: simple
border string "solid 1px #9a9a9a" css border format
color string "black" text font color
linumColor string "#9a9a9a" linum color
stripe boolean true enable/disable stripe
stripeColor Array ["#ffffff", "#f2f2f2"] stripe color
linePadding string|number "15px 5px" line padding
annotationLinePadding string|number "2px 3px" annotation line padding
labelFontSize string|number "0.6em" label font size
labelColor string "black" label color
labelPadding string "2px 3px" label padding
labelBorder string "solid 1px gray" label border
characterPadding string|number 0 character left-right padding
relationColor string "black" relation color
relationLabelFontSize string|number "12px" relation label font size
relationLabelPadding string|number "2px 3px" relation label padding
relationLabelBorder string "solid 1px gray" relation label border
relationLabelColor string "black" relation label color
relationLabelBgColor string "lightblue" relation label background color
relationLabelBorderRadius string|number "0px" relation label border radius

Run Example

npm install
npm install react react-dom
npm run build
npm run example

Then, access http://localhost:8081/ in your browser.

If enable Server Mode, access http://localhost:8081/?server=yes.

Run Demo App

npm install
npm install react react-dom
npm run build
npm run demo

Then, access http://localhost:8081/ in your browser.


  • react
  • react-dom
  • css-element-queries
  • color
